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The first person I saw when I entered the admissions office was Kace.

He wore the standard school uniform that showcased his muscular thighs and toned back. He wasn’t as big as Tanner nor as tall as Beau, but he was definitely not lacking in the muscle department.

He was bending over a filing cabinet when I stepped up, and my eyes, unbidden, landed on his firm ass. Straightening, he flashed a wicked grin over his shoulder.

“Well hello, pretty lady,” he teased. My cheeks wanted to erupt in flames at being caught ogling, but I willed my expression to remain impassive. He may have had a good butt, but he was a dick. They all were.

I had heard whispers of them as I had walked the halls. The Three Horsemen. Apparently, they were waiting for their fourth. A stupid nickname, if I did say so myself.

Without preamble, I dropped my information packet into his hands. His brow furrowed, lips curving downward adorably.

I pointed to my room number, trembling with agitation.

“I want to change rooms,” I said curtly.

Kace’s eyes widened marginally, almost imperceptibly, at my tone, but his signature grin remained in place.

“That’s not allowed.”

He handed me the packet back and stepped toward the desk. Surprisingly, we were the only two in the office. It was almost eerie without the chatter of students and the clicking of keyboards being typed on.

“Why the hell isn’t it allowed?” I asked, standing in the center of the room. My eyes followed his movements as my body remained still. Frozen in shock.

He casually, almost indolently, sat in his leather chair, legs kicked back. He grinned impishly at me.

“Don’t know. I didn’t write the rules.” Shrugging, he turned toward his computer, dismissing me.

Oh, hell no. I was not being fucking dismissed by him.

With a speed that shocked even myself, I moved around the desk and placed myself in front of his computer screen. In this position, I found myself standing between his legs, those long lashes of his fluttering against prominent cheekbones. I briefly lost my train of thought as he stared up at me.

His lips curled up on one side in a crooked grin.

“So you threaten me, destroy my room, and annoy the living hell out of me…all because of where I was placed to live in. Outside of my control, might I add. And when I try to switch rooms, you tell me it’s impossible. Am I hearing this right?” I asked. My voice rose with each word until I was practically shouting.

Still, that infuriating smirk never left his handsome face.

“I didn’t destroy your room, nor did I threaten you,” he said at last, and my temper flared.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” I threw my arm back, irritated, not seeing the coffee cup until it shattered and black liquid spilled everywhere.

Cursing, I jumped away from Kace, an apology on my lips. That apology died when I took in the laughter dancing in his eyes. The mirth in his smile.

The blisteringly hot liquid landed on the keyboard, sizzling, before cascading onto the floor. Still, Kace did not stop smiling.

Laughing, he jumped to his feet.

“I always hated that damn computer. Seriously, I think it was made in the 90s.”


Fear strangled me. It may have been a piece of shit computer, but it was still the school’s, and it still cost money. Money that I didn’t have. Breathing was difficult as I stared at the sparking keyboard.

“What’s wrong?” Kace asked, amusement draining from his eyes. He began to take a step toward me, thought better of it, and stepped backward.
