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The sated moans echoed in the hall.

I frowned at the noise, anxiously worrying my lower lip with my teeth. Braving to venture farther, I pounded my fist against the wooden door. Immediately, the moans subsided until it was utterly silent.

“Open up, asshole!” I called. There was a shuffle—an indignant feminine curse followed by the wisp of fabric—before the door was thrown open. Aiden stood on the other side, dressed in only a pair of unbuttoned pants, and scowling.

“What?” he asked darkly. He turned on his heel, stomping back into the room but leaving the door open for me. An invitation.

I followed him inside, spotting immediately the petite, naked female sprawled on the bed. When she saw me, she pushed her naked chest out farther in a failed attempt to entice me. I couldn’t help but chuckle. Blond, of course, with dainty features and a lean body.

“The face is different,” I told Aiden casually as he shoved a shirt on. He scowled at me but did not otherwise react. “Bianaca’s nose is smaller, and she has two dimples on her cheeks.” I pointed to my cheeks in demonstration, and his scowl only grew.

The blond bimbo sat up in bed, lips pursed.

“Who the hell is Bianaca?” she asked seconds before realization dawned. Turning toward Aiden, she feebly hit his now covered chest. “Is that why you called me B?”

I snorted out a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand when Aiden glared at me.

“I think you should leave,” Aiden told the girl curtly. She frowned, crossing her arms over her chest.

“We haven’t even finished,” she whined, glancing from Aiden to me. When she met my eye, her smile turned coy, devious, and she flicked her nipple. She was cute, I would give her that.

But she was…wrong.

“He said leave,” I snapped, my already thin patience splintering. I had never been known as the “nice guy,” and I wasn’t about to start now.

She helplessly glanced once more at Aiden, but he remained stone-faced. After one more ineffectual sweep of her thumb over her beaded nipples, she huffed, grabbed her clothes, and stomped into the hallway.

Naked, of course.

Rolling my eyes, I gifted Aiden a rare smile. “Trying to fuck Bianaca out of your system? You picked a real winner,” I teased.

“Piss off.” He sprawled himself out on the bed, placing a muscular forearm over his eyes. I watched him with barely contained amusement.

It was rare, if not unheard of, to see the great Aiden so unhinged. So disheveled.

In the coming silence, I surveyed the small dorm room that he shared with Kace. Aiden’s side was adorned in black—black tapestries, black bedspread, black portraits he had commissioned me to paint. Kace’s, on the other hand, was a kaleidoscope of color. It was as if someone had vomited a rainbow on his half.

The two were as different as night and day, black and white, but I had never seen a deeper bond before in my life. They were brothers, in every way but actual blood. I knew Aiden felt responsible for Kace, especially after…

I didn’t want to think about that.

“Did you tell her?” Aiden drawled, not bothering to lift his head or open his eyes. I moved to sit on the desk chair, kicking my feet up. The room felt vacant without Kace’s presence. A part of me wanted to go look for him, but my rational reasoning warned me against it. Kace would come to us when he was ready. Until then, it was best to let him be. Let him hide.

I wondered what new crevice of the school he had found to hide away in.

“Yup,” I answered Aiden.

Unbidden, my mind traveled back to the moment in the gym. Her hooded eyes, emitting lust in palpable waves. Those mewls escaping her pretty, pink lips. Those fucking tits…

My cock stirred just at the memory.

I had always laughed at the nonsense of people coming in their pants with just a look, but with her, I believed it was entirely possible. I had never wanted to come as badly as I did right then and there. Her soft lips melding against mine, making us one. Those long tresses just begging me to run my fingers through.

Aiden’s voice pulled me out of my wistful fantasy. My daydream.
