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My breaths had evened out by the time I returned to my room.

The initial panic and inconsolable grief had ebbed, leaving me with nothing but an icy numbness. This avoidance of emotion wasn’t the healthiest coping mechanism, but it was all I had. It had helped me through my childhood, and I knew it would help me now.

Stumbling, I peeled off my wet clothes and ambled to my closet. I felt as if I was drunk. Intoxicated. Drugged.

All of which I might actually be.

Perusing my options, my sardonic grin faded when I took stock of my school uniforms.

Each and every one had been destroyed by scissors. The white blouses required for us to wear by the school had holes in them, directly over the chest. The skirt was nothing but threads, each one hanging precariously from the waistband. Fuming, I ripped open my underwear drawer.

The assholes had even touched my bras and panties, too! Did they not realize how fucking expensive that shit was?

I held up my favorite lacy red bra and nearly burst into tears when I noted the holes carved into each cup. My underwear had a similar one in the lining.

My anguish transformed into blistering anger. With a scream, I threw the clothing across the room.

I had been stupid to believe the guys, even for a minute. They were animals, predators, and I was the helpless prey they had set their eyes on. When would they get sick of messing with me? When would they realize that I wasn’t going to fight back?

Fight. Back.

There was no denying how appealing that option sounded. I wanted nothing more than to give them a taste of their own medicine.

Wasn’t there some saying about playing with fire? Something about getting burned? Well, those assholes weren’t going to just get burned. Oh no. That would be too easy. They were going to get obliterated until they were nothing but a pile of ashes. Ashes I would happily piss on, if I had my way.

Smirking cruelly, I considered the destroyed clothes once more.

Oh yes. I would get my revenge.

In the meantime? I would show them not to fuck with me.

All eyes were on me as I stepped into the cafeteria, a sway to my hips and my chin held up imperiously. The boys gaped, lust emanating from their eyes in palpable waves. The girls just looked aghast.

Piling my plate high with salad, I winked at the boy standing beside me. His eyes were trained on my chest before lowering. He couldn’t seem to decide where to look. Not that I blamed him. I imagined I was quite the show.

As I moved through the throng of students—some boys whistling in appreciation and almost all sporting boners—I stopped at Aiden’s table. His mouth was opened, eyes wide. Tanner sat beside him with a similar expression on his face. Kace, once more, was noticeably absent.

“Nice try, boys,” I said lightly.

I plopped my plate down, finally catching sight of myself in the window.

My white shirt and destroyed bra revealed my breasts to the entire world, my nipples beaded nubs. My skirt was in similar disarray, my ass and pussy entirely visible. I only had to spread my legs for someone to get a good look at my pink lips.

“What the fuck…?” Tanner breathed. His eyes were trained on my nipples with a carnal hunger. Aiden, on the other hand, looked furious. His eyes narrowed into thin slits, and his hand clenched into a fist.

“Why are you wearing that?” he asked darkly. He glared at something over my shoulder before settling his gaze back on me.

“Apparently, my wardrobe got an upgrade when I was out. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” I asked with feigned sweetness. I even batted my lashes for effect.

“No,” Aiden stated in the same, malicious voice.

“Hmm…that’s strange. I could’ve sworn…” Shrugging, I leaned over the table, my breasts bouncing with my momentum. Aiden and Tanner both groaned—and so did the table behind me. I knew that this position gave them a perfect view of my slick folds. “I like this style. It’s…airy. Freeing.” I smirked at my own joke before throwing myself into the seat across from them.

Aiden had once more diverted his attention from me to glare at each and every guy who dared glance my way. His body thrummed with an almost incandescent fury.
