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“I didn’t do this,” he hissed.

I merely quirked a brow at him in response.

“Oh? You sure?”

Because I sure as hell didn’t believe the little asshole.

“I don’t want others seeing what doesn’t belong to them,” he answered easily, and my stomach plummeted, clenching tightly.

“Is that possessiveness I hear, Aiden?” I asked. “Because I don’t belong to you.”

“Not yet,” he mused. He picked up his sandwich, eyes fixated firmly on the bread. “But soon, you’ll belong to the Four Horsemen.”

I snorted at that. I would rather belong to the devil himself than to the asswipes who think they own the school…and me, apparently.


“Four? I thought there were only three of you?”

Before Aiden could answer, a hulking figure stood over the table. I batted my eyelashes innocently, smiling up at Beau, who glared down at me.

“Like my new wardrobe?” I asked coyly. His scowl only strengthened. Kace stood behind him looking wildly disheveled. His shirt was halfway unbuttoned to reveal a splattering of chest hair, and his pants weren’t zipped. Dark bags belied how tired the man actually was despite his easygoing grin. “Are you okay?” I asked, concerned.

And then I mentally chastised myself for being concerned in the first place. For all I knew, Kace was behind my wardrobe malfunction. These guys were dangerous, and I couldn’t fall for their pretty faces and pouty lips. After all, hadn’t Lucifer been beautiful? The most beautiful men were the most dangerous.

“Fine,” Kace answered briskly. Dismissively. Despite his tone, his eyes were latched onto my heaving chest. His tongue absently traced his lips.

Beau raised an eyebrow at me, demanding answers I wasn’t sure how to give him. Instead of saying anything, however, I straightened. The movement pulled his attention to my breasts, and I could’ve been mistaken, but I thought his eyes flashed with heat. Just as quickly, the heat diminished from his face, and his expression shuttered closed.

Without a word, he removed his jacket and shirt. He draped the jacket over my shoulders, buttoning it shut, before making me stand and tying the shirt around my waist. He was so tall that the shirt was easily able to turn into a makeshift skirt.

“Thank you,” I whispered hoarsely, finally recognizing what I had done. Embarrassment didn’t encapsulate what I felt, but it also couldn’t be described as pride. A part of me was ashamed of my childish behavior while the other part felt good that I had stood up for myself. The two contradicting emotions clashed within me, battling for dominance. I wasn’t afraid of my body—despite the various scars I knew were on display—but I was afraid of what people would think of me. Still, I couldn’t regret what I had done.

Behind us, some of the guys booed and groaned at the show being over. They were quickly quieted by four simultaneous glares.

Sitting back down, I picked at my lettuce.

“I didn’t do it, you know that, right?” Aiden said suddenly, interrupting the silence we had all grown accustomed to. Beau and I both tossed him a glare.

“Oh really?” I asked darkly. “Then who else would’ve done it?”

He shrugged, but his eyes took on a dark, predatory glint. No, not predatory.Murderous. “No idea. But I can find out if you want. Make sure they never do it again.”

“Um…no thanks.” I rolled my eyes at his alpha, macho display. I didn’t know whether or not I believed Aiden, but I knew for sure that I didn’t trust him. Not one little bit. “I’m going to get something sweet.”

“Salad not working for you, little gymnast?” Tanner asked in amusement. His eyes flickered to my chest as if he was visualizing my breasts once more. My rather full breasts. In response, I gave him my middle finger.

“Is your cock not working for you?” I retorted with pseudo-sweetness. Aiden and Beau both snorted out a laugh while Tanner’s eyes narrowed.

“My cock works just fine, as you are well aware.”

“Am I? Hmmm. Maybe I saw something different than what you saw?”

Before he could respond, I hurried out of my seat. Every eye was on me as I perused the food choices. My body was craving chocolate. Chocolate cake. Chocolate brownies. Chocolate ice cream.

“Don’t get the pudding,” a soft voice rumbled in my ear. I didn’t jump, despite him startling me. Glancing over my shoulder, I met Kace’s bright eyes. This close, I could see flecks of whiskey and gold swirling in the irises.

And I could also see the sadness. Grief. Pain.
