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Her brow quirked.



At this, she pouted. “Well, that’s disappointing.” Her pout transformed into a brilliant smile, slicing her face in two. “So does that mean they’re single?”

Before I could respond, Heath tsked disapprovingly. “That’s two questions. It’s my turn now.” Turning toward me, he shifted until his lips were a hair-breath away from my own. He spoke softly enough that the other two couldn’t hear. “Are you planning to escape?”

All coherent thought left me. My jaw went slack, eyes widening, as the implications of that simple statement assaulted me. Somehow, someway, Heath knew.

He fuckingknew.

When I remained silent, he leaned even closer, lips brushing against my own.

“Don’t lie to me.”

“Is that a threat?” I asked breathlessly. Both his question and his presence was doing something to me. My brain couldn’t compute his words.

Stomach somersaulting, I held his piercing gaze. After a moment, he nodded and pulled away, seeing the confirmation in my eyes.

I never did have a poker face.

“That’s not fair. I didn’t get to hear the question,” Maria whined, voice annoyingly high-pitched.

“Maria,” I broke in, diverting her attention. She smiled at being addressed, ruffling her blond hair. I knew I should ask Heath what I wanted to know. I knew I shouldn’t stir the proverbial pot. However, one secret slammed into me repeatedly with the force of a semi-truck. Try as I might, I couldn’t escape the need to know. “Did you have sex with Beau?”

With bated breath, I waited for her answer.

Those plush lips of hers pursed, the skin between her brows furrowing as she concentrated. Did she honestly forget who I was talking about? How many of those beers did she have?

“No,” she said at last. “I tried to, but he rejected me.” Her lips curled downward at the memory.

Mine, however, rose until my cheeks hurt.

Beau had rejected her.

He hadn’t slept with her.

Around and around we went, each question more invasive than the last. The group asked me everything ranging from my family life to my sex life. Only Heath leaned forward to speak to me privately, much to the others’ annoyance.

“When are you leaving?”

“Where are you going?”

“Who’s going with you?”

I knew I was breaking the rules of the game by remaining silent, but I couldn’t answer him. I refused to. The last thing I wanted to do was betray Aiden, Tanner, and Kace’s trust. And Beau’s, if I was being completely honest with myself.

I kept Heath’s one token gripped tightly in my hand as the questions continued. Finally, the game ended, and both Maria and Dylan excused themselves. Maria, with a large hug and a kiss to my cheek. Dylan, with a slap to my ass that made me see red.

I waited until they were gone before presenting the chip to Heath who was currently folding up the chairs. His eyes narrowed, eyebrows scrunched together, before he acquiesced with a decisive head bob. Nodding toward the leather couch against the far wall, he waited for me to sit down before moving to perch beside me. I appreciated the distance he left between our two bodies.

I didn’t trust Heath any more than I trusted Aiden.

“I won one secret from you,” I whispered.

“I see that.”
