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“I think you did well, probably better than me. I think I tried on everything in my closet at least once while I was getting ready this morning, and that was only partially because of nerves. How does getting dressed work anymore? Have the trends changed since the last time I had to leave my house? Are trends still a thing? Or is everyone just wearing pajamas now?”

“I think you’re gorgeous, but if you want to wear pajamas next time, we can coordinate that.”

“Is there anything else I can get for you?” The goblin popped up at her elbow as Moriah turned scarlet, pressing her thighs together no longer providing enough friction for how turned on she was.He thinks you’re gorgeous?! You!She wanted to crawl under the table and climb onto his lap, wanted to rock against him and feel his warmth again. The server frowned when she was waved away.

“What about you?” Lowell went on. “I’m sorry if it’s inappropriate to ask, but is your partner okay with this whole process?”

She shook her head, hoping her smile didn’t come off as the grimace she felt it was, not wanting to think about Sorben when her panties were getting damp from the man across the table.

“No, I-I’m divorced. My husband and I . . . We tried to get pregnant for a long time. We tried insemination and in vitro, but it didn’t work. Our biologies just weren’t compatible. I guess I should’ve known that it was foolish to waste so much money, but I just couldn’t not try.”

His eyes had widened, hands? climbing towards her. Moriah noticed then how much their positions had shifted. She leaned across the table on her elbows, and he had adjusted his chair slightly, leaning into her. It might not be a date, but your body language didn’t get the memo.

“Your ex-husband isn’t human then?”

“No. He’s a lizard person. He moved away after the divorce, so he’s completely out of the picture now.”

She noticed that he stiffened at her words, his wide mouth pressing into a flat line.Maybe he only wanted to help a married couple?

“Is-is that a problem?”

“No, no. Of course not. Just seems like everyone I know lately is involved with a lizard person. Just to give you a heads up, I don’t have two.” He motioned at his lap, and her cheeks burned, laughter nearly choking her. “Just want to make sure you know that now so you can manage your expectations.”

“You know, it’s kind of surprising they didn’t include a picture of it. They give us alotof other information to make an informed decision, but not that. It feels like a wasted opportunity, to be honest. At least for this business model.”

Lowell cocked his head, crossing his arms and leaning over the table. He made a face as if he was deep in thought, mulling over her words, and Moriah bit her lip. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been so bold with a member of the opposite sex. Far before her marriage, that was for sure.

“Where do you think that photo would go? Right after the headshot? Don’t you think that would lead to people making bad decisions? What if you pick your baby’s father based on the size of his package, and it turns out he’s a carrier of the asshole gene? Wouldn’t you feel terrible?”

She giggled, relieved that he was playing along again.

“Well, I think the point is that it would feel great. At least for a little while.”

His laughter was just as rich and loud as she had imagined the first time she saw his photograph. His shoulders shook, and he covered his face briefly, recovering enough to nod as if he was conceding the point to her.

“Fine, fair. I’ll give you that one.”

“You don’t seem like you have the asshole gene. Is there a direct correlation between that and —?” She motioned to his lap with her spoon, gratified when he flushed, laughing again.

“I mean . . . I’ve been told it’s very nice. I can collect references if you need them. I, personally, think it’s great. But I don’t know if that’s entirely objective.”

She dropped her face in her hands, her shoulders still shaking when the goblin came around with their meager bill. He whipped out a credit card before she had the opportunity to even gather up her bag, sighing in defeat when he waved away her attempt to rectify the situation.

“This is the most enjoyable afternoon I’ve spent since I left my apartment in Tokyo a million months ago. Would I be able to use the money I get from the clinic to pay you to have lunch with me at least once a week? Would that be weird?”

“Yes, it would be, Lowell. That would make me an escort.”

He was practically doubled over as they exited the small café, the satyresses whispering and the goblin still glaring.

“Well? Did I pass? Despite the tragic lack of penile statistics on the website?”

She shrugged, grinning up at him.

“It really is an appalling lack of information. I’d like to see it, just to make sure I’m making an informed decision. This is my baby’s future. Don’t they deserve me having all the information I need going into this? When I’m doing a job, I always bring samples of the paint and materials I’ll be using, and I give my client a 3-D render because they want to see the whole picture.”

They had begun to walk along the sidewalk, following the path leading between the building that housed the café and the coffee shop, and a separate building that housed a gym. There was a small, gated park-like area with two wrought iron benches and a trickling water feature.

“I mean, if you really want to see it, I could technically whip it out for you right now. I’m pretty sure this town has some kind of legislation that makes clothing optional. I’ll warn you, though, it’s been stiff for the last forty minutes.”
