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Chapter 5


Moriah felt as thoughshe were falling.

She’d stood near the small fountain in the hotel lobby, giving him some distance at the check-in desk, not wanting to appear too eager at his side. She was sure it didn’t matter. You’re checking in the middle of the afternoon with no luggage; what do you think the hotel staff is assuming? She was sure she ought to be the one checking them in. After all, wasn’t she the patient? Wasn’t this her interview? He was merely the donor and would already be doing his part come the full moon, but he had insisted.

“It’s fine, don’t worry. You want to keep a little bit of anonymity, right?”

His words made her smile, and the decisive action sent a little bubble of warmth rising through her. She got the feeling it wasn’t his forte, but he was making an effort for her, protecting her from the judgmental stares of the counter staff, and she appreciated that more than he knew.He’ll never have to see these people again, but you might run into them at the grocery store.

She appreciated him taking charge at the desk and enjoyed it even more when he pulled her into his arms the second the elevator door closed behind them. His mouth was hot against hers, his whole body hot to the touch, and she melted into his warmth as he kissed her.

She was barely aware of how they managed to get from the elevator to their room on the eighth floor, didn’t remember him ever releasing her long enough to pull out a key card, but before she was fully cognizant of how they had moved from one place to another, the door was closed behind them, and he was backing her up to the bed in the center of the room.

This was not how she expected the afternoon to end, Moriah thought to herself, staring at the ceiling as his hungry mouth trailed from her jaw to her throat, kissing over a sliver of collar bone exposed by her dress.Drea said it was important to interview him, and it’s wise to be as thorough as possible. After all, this is going to be your baby’s father. You want to make sure you’re making the best decision you can.

“I have a confession to make.” His voice was a ragged gasp, breaking contact with her mouth so suddenly that she floundered for a moment, unable to even open her eyes. She was positive she probably looked like a fish, mouth gaping.

“What – what is it?” Pushing herself back to a sitting position, she expected him to say something horrible. That he had lied on his application, that he wasn’t actually a werewolf, that he was just some human, and his name wasn’t even Lowell. Both of his big hands dragged down his face, pulling his eyelids comically as he did so, and she braced for the worst.

“I-I haven’t had sex since I left Tokyo. I’ve been staying with family, and it’s been really hard, and I am so,sohorny. Like, it is amedicalcondition at this point. Sometimes I can’t even stand up because there’s not enough blood in my brain to keep my balance. I’m going to die if we don’t have sex, and I will probably explode like a geyser the second you touch me. We’re going to need to ring down for extra towels. I just need you to know that I’m not normally a pump-and-dump one-minute-man. These are extenuating circumstances. So-so if you’re planning on making a decision based on how this goes, I just . . . Can you please at least give me a round two?”

The words came tumbling out of him. He was frantic, verging on hysteria, gesturing to his crotch as if it had committed a bank robbery without him, and he was caught holding the bag. Moriah was obliged to bite back her grin as he went on, dramatic hand gestures punctuating his words, exhaling on awhooshwhen he was finished, breathing hard. She gave him her best smile, beaming beatifically before opening her arms, waiting for him to come back to her.

“Poor baby,” she crooned into his hair, pulling him against her, grinning as she felt his shuddering sigh. She’d noticed at the restaurant the way he shivered every time she complimented something about him, be it his bravery for moving overseas alone or her admiration for the amount of traveling he did. She thought she understood why.

He lived alone, was far away from his family, and his friends sounded as if they lived similarly transient lives as he did. He said he felt lost amongst his giant clutch of siblings when he was home. He may have teased her position as an only child, but she’d not grown up at a loss for attention. She had always lived with friends once she was out on her own, usually in groups, strength in numbers, always someone there to keep her company. She moved from a shared University flat into the apartment she’d shared with Sorben before they purchased their house, and she had never needed to know what it was like to be alone in the world.

Moriah pulled herself up to her knees. His wide eyes were full of earnestness, eager to please, like an adorable spaniel, and she had no doubt in her mind that if he did prematurely explode like a geyser, he would fall over himself to make it up to her in a way that would leave little room for complaint. She hoped her baby would also have his wide-eyed earnestness, mentally promising that she would shower them with all the love and attention she had to give. In the meantime, though, she would put her observations to work.

“Poor Lowell,” she murmured again, pressing her lips to his temple and scoring her nails down his back. “You don’t have to worry. I’ve already made up my mind, and I pick you.” She punctuated her words with a small kiss to the juncture of his neck and shoulder, feeling him shiver once more. “And if you need a round two, that’s fine by me. I’m not in any hurry. I’ll bet you’ll do your best work come round three. But first, though, I want to see what the clinic isn’t showing.”

Her fingers were nimble, opening his shirt buttons, pushing the T-shirt he wore beneath the button-down up his body and over his head, revealing the long expanse of his toned arms and chest. His pectorals were dusted in dark hair that moved to the line down his body, leading her fingers to his belt buckle once more. His breath hitched as her nails grazed his sides, and she filed the information away later with a grin.Erogenous zone? Ticklish? Maybe both?

He was broad-shouldered but leanly muscled, his arms enveloping her with a strength that made her dizzy. She imagined him hiking through jungles and climbing the craggy rock face of mountains, hauling his heavy camera equipment wherever he was, in places she had only dreamed of. His kiss was hot and insistent. Lips and tongue and teeth, demanding entrance into her mouth before pulling back again with another shuddering gasp, pacing himself as best he could.

She caressed his chest slowly, mapping his musculature with her fingertips, dragging her fingers down his sternum, and detouring to each of his nipples, paying attention to the way his stomach muscles jumped as she teased each pebbled peak.You’re going to make a baby with this man. The idea was oddly thrilling. She let her nails scrape down his hard abdomen until she reached the barrier of his jeans, running a quick hand over the bulge tenting the front.

Now or never. Isn’t this what you really wanted to see?

His breath was practically wheezing when she pulled open his belt and undid his fly again. Moriah decided not to tease him here. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband of both jeans and the boxer briefs beneath, she pulled straight down, letting his cock bounce free. She let him do the awkward shuffle of kicking off his shoes and socks, freeing each leg from the distressed jeans before she left the bed, kneeling before him, wanting to get the best view.
