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She was mortified when her voice broke and her eyes flooded with tears. It was the hormones, she reminded herself. The hormones from the shot were realigning her system and wreaking havoc on her emotions and judgment. Drea’s hand reached across the table, long slender fingers knitting with her own, as she breathed in, steadying herself.

“I was just worried about how it would be at the clinic, and it seemed like a good idea to get the awkwardness out of the way first, right? So we . . . sort of fooled around a little in the park behind the coffee shop, and-and then we went to a hotel.”


“You’rethe one who said to interview him!”

“That meant on a video call or something! Not a ‘pleased to make your acquaintance’ blowjob behind the coffee shop!”

Their heads both swung around, checking to see if one of their neighbors was standing nearby gawking.

“Do you remember when I told you not to hand wave through your explanations?” Moriah demanded. “You’re the one who was willing to fuck a stranger sight unseen; you don’t get to be bashful explaining the process to someone you’re trying to rope into doing this with you! I told you that weeks ago! You didn’t say, ‘make sure you call the wolf you pick and set up a video interview while you’re wearing a turtleneck and a winter parka.’ You said to interview him! Why would I do a video call interview if he’s going to be sticking his dick in me in two weeks?”

Drea moaned in horror, covering her face with both hands.

“No! No, no, no,” Moriah huffed. “You don’t get to pull that again. See, this right here?Thisis the problem. You’re a huge prude! If you want to call your friend and tell her all about the werewolf fuck factory and that she should totally buy a ticket, that’s fine. But don’t leave out the fucking part.”

“I don’t know about you lot, butIwould love a ticket to the werewolf fuck factory. If they’ve a mailing list, help a girl out and pass it along.”

The girl who had paused beside their table had asymmetrical platinum blonde hair, and frosty lavender eyeshadow winged out from her pale blue eyes. Her British accent was cheerful and upbeat, and she winked before continuing on, a giant bag swinging from her shoulder.

Moriah and Drea dissolved into mortified laughter.

“Are you happy with yourself?” Drea hissed, hiding her face in her arms upon the table, shoulders quaking. “This is the reputation we’re going to get around town now. We’ll probably get invited to one of those werewolf sex parties.”

Moriah was wheezing. It was the hormones, she reminded herself, that were causing these mood swings. The hormones and the certainty that she wanted to see him again, regardless of the moon’s fullness in the sky.

“I only know about the parties from you! You’re the one who seems to have the drop on all of these X-rated werewolf affairs. You’ve got a lot of nerve, lady.”

“Please just make sure you stay safe,” Drea sighed, finally sitting up. “I have no doubt they screen these guys as best they can, but you don’t want to do anything reckless with a stranger.”

They parted shortly after, and Moriah turned her friend’s words over and over again in her mind. The disconnect, she thought, was mind-blowing.You don’t want to do anything reckless with a stranger.Nothing reckless. Nothing reckless, nothing reckless at all.

You know, like make a baby with one.

* * *



EVERYTHING ABOUT THEroom was too much. The lights overhead were over-bright, stinging his eyes. The ticking of the clock on the wall was too loud, each second bringing him closer and closer to an inevitable end. Lowell sucked in a slow breath, holding, trying to calm his nerves and quiet his mind, releasing on a measured hiss. He was freezing. He had been running a low-grade fever the past 24 hours, normal at this point in the month, but the gusting air conditioner against his heated skin felt frigid, and his arms were prickled in goosebumps.

It felt like hours before the doctor finally entered the room.
