Page 45 of Flor's Fiasco

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“Then it is decided,” O’jek says, his gaze on Daisy. “We will go our separate ways at dawn and meet up again by the mountain. Shall we split our supplies?” His mouth twitches as he regards I’rec. “Or did you need more time alone out here with your mate, my brother?”

“Bah,” I’rec says, and his tail flicks in that impatient sort of way.

But…he’s not saying no. And he’s not going inside. His hand remains on my back, just above my ass, and I decide that I’ll be the one in charge right now. So I give Daisy and O’jek an impish look. “We need another five minutes alone.”

Daisy giggles. O’jek just gives me a knowing smirk.

And I’rec? I’rec holds me tighter. I think he likes my boldness. He’d better. If we’re going to be a mated pair, and if he truly wants to be with me? He’d better be prepared for the entire world to know that we’re together. I don’t plan on keeping anything a secret.

Besides, I could use a distraction. That ship has me rattled. Daisy might not worry about it, but I can’t help but wonder what sorts of changes it’s bringing to our world.



F’lor curls up against me in the furs, her sleep fitful and restless. It is clear to me that she is afraid, and the appearance of the bird with the colorful lights—theship—is responsible.

It makes me unhappy, this worry of hers. It is not something I can fix with my hands. It is not something I can order about. It is not even something I can hunt or chase away. I am supposed to protect my mate, and I cannot protect her from this. If it is a ship, it is full of people like M’dok, with strange abilities and ma-sheens that do things I cannot even fathom.

I have always felt I could handle anything the wilds could throw at me—with the exception of the Great Smoking Mountain. Now I feel that same sense of overwhelming fear, of things beyond my control I cannot change…and that it will somehow frighten my mate. So I do not sleep. Instead, I stay awake and I watch over her, holding her close against me.

“Mmm,” F’lor says before dawn, rousing. “You’re holding me kinda tight, I’rec.”

I release her reluctantly. “My apologies.”

She rests her chin on my chest, gazing up at me with sleepy eyes. “Bad dreams?”

I shake my head. “I worry I am not a strong enough mate for you.”

That makes her sit up. She blinks down at me in surprise, her teats bare and enticing as she gazes at me. “Are you feeling all right?”

What a strange question. “I am fine.”

She leans in and pries at one of my eyelids, peering at my eyes. “Did you hit your head? Because you don’t sound like I’rec right now.”

I snort, catching on to her games, and I snag her hand in mine. I rub her knuckles against my lips instead. “I am yet I’rec. I just…do not like the ship.”

“You think I do?” She makes a face and leans closer to me. “I know Daisy thinks we’re all super best friends but I don’t trust anyone wandering about with a ship. I don’t think anything good can happen with that. I mean, what if the ship has another gal on board? Are Tia and this new lady going to have to fight it out for R’jaal?” She tilts her head. “I’m sure that would be flattering for his ego, but it’s just going to cause problems.”

“I do not think the person in the ship cares about our problems,” I say, grazing my teeth over her soft skin. I like that we share thoughts like this. F’lor has never been shy with her opinions, and I enjoy our conversations. They are real conversations, I realize, not giggling and silly nothings that T’ia would say. The only thing she wished to speak of were kisses. Kisses are enjoyable, but I would rather hear F’lor tell me her thoughts on the ship.

“That’s exactly it,” my mate hisses, her eyes widening. “I don’t think they give a fuck at all if they mess up our balance, and that’s the problem. We’ve got a good thing here. Everyone’s kind to each other. We’re family. We look out for one another. I don’t want some stranger fucking all that up.” She bites her lip, giving me a worried look. “I’m afraid it’s our luck. Do you think Shadow Cat has been hit with ill luck?”

“Ill luck?” I shake my head. “Not at all. If we have any luck, it is all good.”

She sits back on her knees, surprised. “Really?”

I nod, turning her hand over and pressing my lips to the inside of her wrist, where she is softest. “I am positive our luck is good. O’jek resonated to the female he has pined after for many moons. I have resonated to the cleverest female, the one I did not realize was perfect for me until my khui opened my eyes. Now you carry my kit and my small clan will grow in size.” I touch her stomach, caressing her skin. “What is that if it is not good luck?”

F’lor pauses, considering this. “I suppose if it were bad luck you’d have resonated to Tia, huh? And I’d be with R’jaal?”

“You would chew that Tall Horn up and spit him out,” I agree, grinning. “You need a fierce, strong mate.”

“Apparently I need one that is ready to tell me how amazing he is?” She teases. “Because you are quick to toot your own horn there, buddy.”

I reach up and touch my horn, confused. “What istewtand why do you think I am doing it to my horn?”

Her eyes widen, and then she collapses atop me, giggling. “That’s not what I meant,” she gasps, her shoulders shaking. “But damn, is that funny.”
