Page 18 of Nightfall

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“Your sister had a crush on him,” I replied.

“She did.”

“I wouldn’t call what I feel for Declan a teenage crush.”

“Yeah,’s none of my business—”

“You’re right, it really isn’t,” I said flatly.

Jackson shrugged. “Declan’s a machine. A soldier. He kills rogue vampires without a moment of sympathy. It’s all he’s done for as long as I’ve known him. What he isn’t is somebody who’d make a good boyfriend.”

I chose to take Jackson’s words as a well-meaning warning from someone who’d known the dhampyr for a decade, rather than a dumbass observation from someone whose opinion I didn’t ask for.

Maybe I reminded him of his little sister a bit too much.

“I’m not really looking for a boyfriend right now,” I replied evenly. “I’m a bit preoccupied with trying to stay alive with blood nearly the color of tar.”

“Maybe so.” Jackson drew close enough to me that I could smell his spicy aftershave. His gaze swept the length of me with clear appreciation. “But you’re clearly a woman of passion with needs.” He twisted a piece of my long black hair around his index finger before leaning closer to me. “I can help you fill those needs if you want me to.”

Okay, on second thought, I now hoped Ididn’tremind him of his little sister. Because...gross.

It was hot out this afternoon—nearly a hundred degrees—and Jackson’s body heat only made it hotter. A trickle of perspiration slid down my spine.

“I’m not asking for a relationship here, Jill,” Jackson continued. “Just a bit of fun. Let’s call it...a way to let off some steam.”

A bit of fun. It was something I hadn’t had in a very long time. Too bad it was Jackson doing the offering. “What about Declan?” I asked as patiently as possible. “I thought you two were good friends.”

“We are. But he’d understand, trust me.” He shook his head. “All I know is he can’t satisfy you like I can, even if he wanted to. He knows it. I don’t exactly know what the real story is between you two, but I’m sure he also knows that it won’t be long before you start looking elsewhere. Despite all you’ve been through, I see that fire inside of you. And, believe me, I know how to quench it.”

“So, you’re saying you want to fuck me. Right?” I wanted to make sure I understood him crystal clear—not that he was being all that subtle about it.

“I definitely do. The question is, Jill...” His gaze met mine. “What do you want?”

“Actually, Jackson...” I put my hand on his chest and slid it down between us, over his rather impressive denim-clad hard-on. Then I grabbed it and twisted. “I want you to fuck off. Thanks so much.”

Pain registered on his face, but he let out a low, throaty laugh. “Message received, loud and clear.”

“Glad to hear it.” I let go of him, feeling that my point had been made rather succinctly. “No offense intended, of course.”

“None taken.” His eyes flicked behind me as he cupped his hand over his assaulted groin and stepped away from me. “The car’s here.”

I glanced to my left. Declan’s gaze narrowed on us through the open car window, and I wondered if he’d witnessed what just happened between me and his trusted old friend.

“Let’s go,” was all he said.

Very soon I’d start the painful process of cleaning my blood. Soon I’d be back to my normal life—the life that didn’t include amorous—or rather, lecherous—vampire hunters who left me cold, or dhampyrs who made my blood hot and my body yearn for more than they were able to give me.

I’d never been a big fan of disappointment.


I hada long nap after we got back to the motel room to recover my strength, only waking as the sun began to set. Then I dragged myself into the bathroom and had a shower. Declan went out to get us food. When I emerged with wet hair, after pulling on some clean leggings and a tank top, he was already back.

He held up the brown paper bag. “Burgers. And fries.”

“Running for my life is high in calories.” I leaned my hip against the table and ran my fingers through my damp hair to get the tangles out. Declan sat at the small table and looked down at his hands. He seemed preoccupied with something.

“What’s the problem?” I asked.
