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My eyes snap to his. “How can you know that?”

“Because my brothers and I killed him.”

My mouth opens and closes multiple times, trying, and failing, to form words until finally a croakedwhatleaves me.

“Kayo and I accompanied Olex above ground to find your father, already intent on killing him for the things he'd done to Grace. But when we got to your house, I could hear your thoughts, and Kayo could hear Leah's. We knew you both were our mates. You were both in pain from him beating you, dreading him coming home, so we made sure he never set foot in that house again. That all of you were safe from him from that moment forward.”

“Tell me.”

I appreciate that he doesn't ask if I'm sure whether I want to hear the details. That he knows I deserve to know how much my father suffered before he took his last disgusting breath.

“We broke some limbs and cut off others. We burned him, peeled his skin off, and Kayo cut off his eyelids to make sure he watched all of it. I cut off his penis, slowly.”

I look away at him telling me that he was the one to do that, and knowing exactly why. The night of my mother's funeral, my father stumbled into my bedroom and began taking his pants off. In a terror filled panic, I hit him between his legs with a baseball bat. That was the worst beating I ever received from him. He knocked me unconscious and I only know that he didn't do more while I was sleeping because Grace came into my bedroom at the noise and fought my father as well, earning her three broken ribs. Leah was crying in the corner of Grace's bedroom when I finally came to. We all slept in the same bedroom after that, until Leah reclaimed her bedroom after our father was declared dead.

“Do not look away from me, my Keri. Not for being a fighter. Never for that.”

“I wish you hadn't seen all of that,” I murmur before taking a deep breath. “Did he beg?”

“Even after his tongue was cut off.” Linc grins.

“His body?”

“Left for the animals.”

I nod, feeling a relief I never thought possible. “Thank you.”

“No need. When you can see my memories, I will show you every moment of his death, should you ask.”


“When we have our bonding ceremony, you'll be able to hear my thoughts the same way I can yours.”

I grin. “So, I'll get to hear all your dirty thoughts about me?”

“Be prepared. They are constant.”

I throw my head back with laughter. “We'll see. For now, I'm starving, so please...”

“Enough said. I'll be right back.”

He begins to get off the bed, but comes back to kiss me once, twice, three times before he looks into my eyes.

“You're staying,” he says low.

“Was there ever any doubt?”

He gives me a funny look, a hell yes mixed with furrowed brows that looks entirely awkward on his dark grey face.

“There was plenty of doubt. I just don't know if I would have been able to actually let you go had you wanted to leave.”

“No, never let me go.”


He kisses me again and leaves. I rest back, my mind racing with all I've just learned, the happiness fills me from so many different things and the worry from so many others. Will the other monsters like me? Grounders, he said they call themselves Grounders. Will they like me, accept me? He told me that his father is a leader, that he's expected to take this place. What does that mean for me? My sister is pregnant. Pregnant! I have a nephew on the way.

“They will love you,” I hear called from deeper within the cavern.
