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How about your favorite meal?I ask Linc in my mind.

The image of a pot appears in my mind, filled with meat and vegetables.My mother has always said it resembles what humans call beef stew.

Ah. Now that I can try to make.

We probably look weird to everyone else, sitting here in silence, nothing but facial expressions and smiles being exchanged between him and I.

Linc shakes his head, speaking aloud now. “This is actually pretty common for how a couple looks at the feast after the bonding ceremony. Everyone gets a good chuckle watching them use their newfound form of communication. I watched Grace and Olex do the very same thing at theirs. Before he literally carried her away and no one saw them for a few days.”

I arch a brow. “So, we can just go?”

He licks his lips, surely seeing that I'm already picturing us fucking back in our cavern. “We can.”

“Then, what are you waiting for?”

He gives me a smile, the sight of his fangs making me even wetter. “Let’s go.”

We stand but as Linc reaches for my hand, a voice behind him makes him go utterly still.

“Room for two more?” a new male voice asks.

But instantly, Linc's mind provides me with a name, and a face, for the voice. Kayo. And if Kayo's here, then…

I gasp and look around Linc. A shuddering cry leaves me as my eyes land on Leah. So like her, she gives me a small smile and an awkward wave. I rush towards her while Linc moves. He grabs his brother in for a hug, but I stand before Leah, chest heaving, in shock at seeing her.

“Leah,” I croak. “You're…Are you…”

“I'm okay,” she says low. “And waiting for a hug.”

I release a relieved breath and wrap my arms around her. She hugs me right back, her heart beating rapidly against mine. Then, I feel another arm go around me, a cry from Grace at my ear.

“Oh my God, Leah. We were so worried.”

“I was okay. I am okay.” We break apart, far too soon, and her eyes go to the man who hasn't gone too far from her side. “Kayo made sure I was okay.”

I look at Kayo now. Only his swallow betrays his nerves, but he stands straight with pride, one arm wrapping around Leah's waist. The way she smiles up at him tells me everything I need to know.

“So, you're my sister's mate,” I say.

“I am.” He nods.

I grin at him. “I was told you're the least serious of the bunch, but I don't know, you look pretty stoic to me.”

He smiles then, shoulders losing their tension. “A hug, then?”

I nod. “A hug.”

We hug and then Grace is pulling him in for one, too. “I am going to strangle you, Kayo.”

“Not if I beat him to it,” Olex threatens, but it's with a smile before he hugs Leah. “I'm Olex.”

“Grace's mate.” She nods. “And you're Keri's mate.”

Linc hugs her, then. “I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself first. And yes, we surely have room for two more. You can join us at—”

His words cut off as Leah is swooped up into Nicole's arms.

“Oh, my goodness, dear. I didn't know if I would ever get to meet you.”
