Page 64 of The Paradise Plan

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Cass had seen something, she’d thought, on Harrison’s face.Inside, when he’d been looking at her and complimenting her.He’d cleared it quickly, but the way his throat worked now, she knew there was something.

Her pulse vibrated before it settled back into a regular beat, but he still hadn’t said anything.She fought the urge to fill the silence with the sound of her own voice.She did that sometimes with Conrad, but she’d learned not to do it with West.He’d eventually say what was on his mind.Jane did the same thing, and Cass casually looked out her window as Harrison left her driveway.

“What do you like about me?”he finally asked, his voice barely loud enough to reach her ears.

Her phone rang, startling her from such a strange question.She had no idea how to answer that question, and a bit of regret tugged through her as she pulled her phone from her clutch.“It’s my mother,” she said.

Instant fear drove through her.“Shoot.”She looked over to Harrison.“It’smy mother.”

“Okay,” he said.

“I haven’t told her anything.”

“What do you mean?”

Cass didn’t want to have to call her back.She swiped on the call, shaking her head.“Hey, Momma,” she said as cheerfully as she could.She hadn’t even told Conrad some of the things she’d done.The people she’d called.

Or Harrison…

“Cassandra,” her mother drawled.

Cass pressed her eyes closed.She was in real trouble here, and her pulse beat out double-time.“You found out about the house,” she said.

“I ran into Miles Pince, yes,” she said.“He said he can’twaitto get your house on the market.I wassurehe was wrong.”

“Momma,” she started, but her mother had just been gearing up.

“I made a complete fool of myself in front of everyone,” she said.“Then I get home, and Daddy says he knew you’d list it the moment summer was over.That you’ve already decided to make Hilton Head your permanent home.”

“Momma,” she tried again.

“Then I find out from social media.Social media, Cassandra, that you have purchased a house there.I thought you were renting for the summer.”

“That is not true,” she said.“I told you I’d bought a place when Conrad decided to come with me.”Maybe she’d made itsoundlike she’d done sobecauseConrad had wanted to come stay on the island for the summer.Either way, she’d told her mother.

“And all of your friends have been there,” Momma continued as if Cass hadn’t spoken.“And that you’re dating someone new.”Her voice quivered then, and Cass looked over to Harrison.

“I meant to tell you about Harrison,” she said.“Really, Momma.There’s just been a lot going on.”

“I’ll bet there has,” she said.“New floors.Some fancy butcher block.Your son’s new job.And a boyfriend.Aboyfriend, Cassandra.Imagine my humiliation with Miss Barbara asked me how long you’ve been seein’ each other, and I had no idea.”

“Oh, boy,” Cass said.“Miss Barbara.Why are you still going out to lunch with her anyway?”

“Don’t turn this on me,” Momma barked.“Start talking about your boyfriend.”

Cass looked at Harrison, who’d turned the radio completely off for this conversation.“He’s sitting right here with me, Momma.We’re goin’ to Charleston for a date tonight.”

“Put him on.”

Cass shook her head, but she knew she would.When Momma got in a mood like this, there was no turning back the tide.“I just want to remind you that you didn’t like West for at least a year before you came around.”

Momma scoffed, but she didn’t try to deny it.

Cass looked over to Harrison as she lowered the phone.“I’m sorry for whatever’s about to happen.”She tapped the speaker button and said, “He’s here, Momma.Harrison, my momma just found out we’re dating.”

“Pleased to meet you, ma’am,” he drawled, really laying on the Southern accent thick.
