Page 16 of Naughty Neighbor

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But I couldn’t help but wonder if I fell into that category.

Was he subtly telling me not to expect much? Was I one of his women that assumed more was happening than it actually was?

Since when did I care about the guy enough to even ask these questions?

Another reason why I needed to get some space from Ben.

Hip out, Bethany pointed at Ben. “I thought you said you didn't want a girlfriend, that's why you broke things off. You, quote, 'don't get serious with anyone.’”

Ben took a breath. “Actually, I said I didn’t wantyouto be my girlfriend.”


The blow landed, and the Blonde took a step back.

I almost felt bad for her.

The insinuation was loud and clear. He didn't want her for a girlfriend, but he did want me.

As much of an asshole as I felt in that moment, and even though he didn’t mean it, he just wanted to get her to stop her antics, I blushed. For a second, I pretended this was all real.

But she needed the tough love and to move on. Gain some confidence in herself. Sure, after sleeping with Ben, I understand why any woman would want to lock that down but have some dignity.

Who would want to be with someone who didn’t want to be with them?

I couldn’t help but once again think about how things ended with Paul.

I never understood cheating. If you didn’t want to be with someone, let them go. Don’t dick them around.

And as much of a playboy as Ben was, at least he was honest about it.

A fact I appreciated.

Hatred flashed across Bethany’s face.

I noticed people starting to look our way. Ben must have sensed it too. We attracted the attention of Ben’s boss and his big client.

Without thinking, I locked elbows with Bethany, turning us about-face and walked us to the nearest bar.

She was probably too confused at first to stop me.

We had almost reached the bar when she came to her senses and tried to pull away, her muscles tensing.

I held on strong. Unfortunately for Bethany, I worked out regularly.

“Bethany, can I call you the Blonde?” I asked her not waiting for a response. “You are a gorgeous woman. Trust that you don't need Ben. You could have any other man in this whole damn museum. I've seen at least a half a dozen guys check you out during our walk over here.”

Her muscles relaxed a little. “Really?”

I didn’t know why she sounded so surprised. “Uh, yeah, really. You could easily find someone just as handsome and amazing as Ben. Trust me.”

The bartender interrupted our little heart to heart to ask us what we wanted to order. “Two gin and tonics please.” We needed something a little harder than wine.

Just then, a handsome man sidled up to the bar next to us. His light features were a total contrast to Ben's dark ones. His dirty blonde hair was just a few shades darker than Bethany's and I knew what I needed to do.

I tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me, sir, I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Bethany.” I pulled on her so that we switched places. His eyes lit up and Bethany started playing with her hair.

Well, that was easy.
