Page 2 of Naughty Neighbor

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Oh goody.

So much for different schedules.

But I was curious to see what the woman looked like. If the face matched the voice. In this case, it most certainly did. I slowly stowed away my keys, looking up through my dark lashes at the lithe blonde in full makeup.

A smirk tugged at my lips then froze as I felt Ben's striking blue eyes on me. I stood there staring at him, taking in the tailored suit that entirely covered his muscled six-foot-three body. His hair looked like it was straight out of a shampoo commercial, all dark and pullable.

I couldn’t stop my tongue from wetting my lips as I took all of him in.

“Morning, neighbor.” He saluted to me before kissing the blond on the cheek and telling her goodbye. She shot me a glare but left peacefully.

We both watched her walk away. I stayed planted in place, curious what he'd do next. Then he prowled over, closing the few feet that separated us.

I refused to take a step back as he invaded my bubble.

I lifted an eyebrow. It took two seconds for me to decide not to be embarrassed by what happened. If Ben wanted to have obnoxiously loud sex, then I had the right to make the best of it and enjoy it, too.

Ben placed his arm on the doorframe behind me. “Thanks for the unconventional threesome. I have to say last night was a first for me.” He chuckled, and it sounded as silky as honey dripping off a honeycomb.

I winked. “You’re welcome,neighbor.” I pushed past him, knocking his shoulder back as I made my way to the staircase.

I might not be embarrassed, but I refused to give him an opportunity to change my mind.

Chapter 2

“You're late, Quinn.” My best friend Kate scolded me as I dropped into the seat across from her at The Coffee Library.Thecoolest coffee, bar, and bookstore hybrid ever created.

I had the decency to look sheepish as I sipped on my black coffee with lots of cream and lots of sugar.

Okay, I guess it’s no longer considered a black coffee at that point.

“I come bearing a peace offering,” I said, pulling out a strawberry white chocolate scone from the little white bag in front of me. Her eyes lit up, and she reached for the baked good immediately.

I blocked her. “Do you forgive me?”

Kate rolled her eyes at me. “Of course, all is forgiven if you buy me scones. Besides, I’m too old to find a new best friend. That sounds like way too much work.”

Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, “Puh-lease as if you'd find a best friend cooler than me.”

We laughed and moved on. “So, what’s new?” Kate asked.

Setting my coffee down, I leaned forward. “You won't believe what happened to me last night.” I filled her in on all the nitty-gritty details.

What were best friends for if you couldn’t tell them about your most intimate private moments?

Palm to face, Kate said, “Tell me you didn’t.”

I shrugged. “You know it’s been a desert down there since fuckface Paul cheated on me. I can’t help it if I’m horny.” I gave her a look. “You’re telling me you’ve never accidentally heard your neighbors going at it and decided to go along for the ride?” I looked at her skeptically.

She flinched. “Have you seen my neighbors? They are old and severely obese. If I even suspect anything is going on next door, I put on my best noise-canceling headphones and rock out to Metallica for hours on end.” She looked disgusted. “I don’t even like Metallica.”

I laughed at that. “Well, to each their own. And besides, my neighbor is hot as hell. Even if he is a pain in the ass for keeping me up past my bedtime.” I finished the rest of my coffee, contemplating whether or not I wanted to stand in the line to get a refill. Deciding I was too lazy, I stayed seated. I could make a pot when I got back home.

Kate lowered her voice, trying to be gentle. “You know, you could always try dating again, Quinn. Not every man is a lying, cheating bastard.”

I scoffed at that. “Well, how am I supposed to know that considering every one of my exes has cheated on me? Seriously, what’s up with that?” I asked Kate and the universe at large.

“Well, you kind of have a type, and that type is a lying cheating bastard.”
