Page 3 of Naughty Neighbor

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I pursed my lips, and she shrugged. “Well, it's true.”

And I knew it was. But Paul did one hell of a number on me. We dated for three years and I thought we were going to get married. Then he had to go and pull the oldest trick in the book and sleep with his secretary.

I found them going at it one day when I dropped into his office to bring him lunch.

That was fun.

It marked the day that I'd sworn off men in general, relationships in particular.

That was ten months ago.

I shook my head, bringing myself back to the present. “No, I don’t need a boyfriend. Hell, I don’t even want a boyfriend right now. But I wouldn’t mind having someone plow my field.”

A shower of iced coffee rained down on me. My beautiful copper-haired best friend was unable to keep her coffee in her mouth when I caught her off guard. Using the napkin on the table, I blotted my face. “I can't take you anywhere.”

Kate turned beet red. “Apparently not.” She dragged her fingers through her curls, finding them wet with coffee.

I loved how uncomfortable I could make Kate. She was so sweet and innocent compared to me. Ever the romantic. But still super practical.

We were basically total opposites.

I knocked my empty coffee cup on the table. “Anyways, I better get going. I want to get a nap in before my shift tonight.” I hugged her goodbye and headed home.


“Ugh, stop knocking!” I yelled at whoever stood in the hallway. They had been incessantly pounding on someone’s door for the past half hour. I only had twenty more minutes before I needed to get up and start getting ready for my closing shift and I didn’t want to waste one precious minute of it.

The knocking blissfully stopped for a whole minute, but then resumed again. “God, dammit.” I threw off the covers and made my way to the door, ready to bitch at whoever kept me from my sleep.

I flung open the door to find the blonde waif from this morning. She turned to face me. “He’s not answering the door.” She pointed to Ben’s door as if I were a moron who didn’t know what she was talking about.

“Uh yeah, I don’t think he’s home. Why don’t you call him or leave or note or something? But for the love of god, please stop knocking on his door. Clearly, it’s not getting you anywhere.” I turned on my heel and left.

“You could be pretty, you know,” said the high-pitched blonde.

I tilted my head back, asking the universe for strength. Who does she think she is giving me unsolicited input?

With a fake smile, I looked over my shoulder at the plastic-looking woman in front of me. Her brown eyes were caked with eye shadow, liner, and mascara. Yeah, I wasn't about to take advice from her, but I wanted my sleep, so I plastered on a smile and said, “Uh, thanks. That's super helpful.” Then left her in the hallway as I silently prayed she'd give up her quest and go home.

She must have done just that because I was able to catch a few more minutes of sleep before getting ready for work that night.

But she came back the following day. And the day after that. “This has got to stop.” While I didn't have work on Saturday night, I did have a hot date planned with my yoga pants and my couch. Completed with pizza and Netflix. Obviously.

A knock sounded on my door. “Pizza's here!” I cheered, making my way to the door. Thanks to my app, I didn't need to worry about digging around for cash that I never seemed to be able to keep on my person.

My smile faded when I realized the person on the other side of the door wasn't the pizza guy. I hung my head. “You, again.”

The Blonde, whose actual name I didn't know, stood on the other side of my threshold. My stomach growled in protest.

I put on my best saccharine smile. “Can I help you with something?” Clearly, this girl wasn't getting the message. Ben had ghosted her and she wanted more. I was frankly shocked this hadn't happened before. An attractive man who could fuck like an Adonis was bound to attract a few stage 5 clingers. But this girl needed some self-respect.

She chewed on a piece of gum and asked, “Have you seen Ben at all today? We were supposed to meet up, but he doesn't seem to be home.” She nodded towards his door.

I desperately wanted to call her out for her blatant lie but didn't want to be a total bitch about it.

Footsteps sounded on the staircase and we both turned to see who it was.

Clad in running gear that showed off his sexy physique, Ben slowed his pace as he realized who stood at the top of the stairs.
