Page 9 of Naughty Neighbor

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I set my coffee down, lifted my arms then dropped them to my sides. “How the hell else am I supposed to take that? Besides, everyone knows if you say no offense, you actually do mean to offend. It's a terrible phrase.”

Kate put her hand down on the table. “Stop stalling and tell me everything.”

When I finished, she looked at me, mouth agape. “Damn that's hot. But I'm not sure I'm impressed you stopped things after you orgasmed and he didn't or if you're the biggest idiot ever for not sleeping with him.”

I twisted my lips. “Can't it be both?”

We laughed together.

“Seriously though, are you going to see him again?” she asked.

A noise emitted from my mouth. “Of course, I will see him. He's my neighbor.” I tried to say it with an airiness I didn't quite feel.

Truth be told, my body hummed all night after Ben left. I craved more. Needed more of him.

I now sort of understood where the Blonde was coming from.

But I was helping him out because he'd been in a jam. The finger fucking was an unplanned event and I doubted it'd be something he'd repeat.

Ben wasn't the dating type. And honestly, that's not what I wanted either.

Some really good sex however, that was something missing in my life. I could do with that on a semi-regular basis.


I ascended the staircase, ready to take off my unofficial work uniform: black tank top and black skin-tight jeans. The beauty of the outfit was in its simplicity. It flattered the bartenders and ensured we got good tips.

I could never wait to strip out if it after every shift. As always, it smelled of a mixture of fancy fried food and beer. The bar attracted middle to higher-income folks who wanted to relax but weren't about to step into a dive bar. It made for a great place to work, especially since it held no appeal in my personal life. It was slightly too snooty for my liking.

At the top of the staircase, I found a familiar blonde woman. “Bethany,” I muttered, treading lightly, praying she wouldn't see me.


I winced, slowly opening one eye to see if she noticed.

She did.

She tossed her shiny sheet of hair behind her shoulder. “It's you.” Her eyes narrowed at me in accusation. I looked to the sky for strength, then dug out my keys, focused on opening the door.

She had one hand on her hip and the other one pointed at me. “I know you aren't really with Ben.” Her tone betrayed her words. A glance over my shoulder confirmed she hoped her words were true, but she wasn't wholly convinced.

Just then another pair of footsteps sounded from below. Bethany looked down the landing and I followed suit, but I didn't need to, I would have recognized his steps anyway.

Turning the lock, I opened my door and stepped into my apartment.

“What are you doing here?” Ben reached the top of the stairs, dressed in a fancy designer suit.

I never did find out what he did for a living.But by the looks of things he could afford a much nicer apartment complex than this one.

I slowly dragged my eyes up and down his body. The man could wear anything and look good.

He ran his hand through his hair just as I cleared my throat. Relief washed over his face. Without missing a beat, he ignored the Blonde and walked into my apartment.

I shut the door quickly behind him. Together we burst out laughing. Covering my mouth with my hands, I tried to stifle the laughter.

“Guess we are having another date night.” Ben loosened his tie, then set it down next to his wallet and keys which he placed on the kitchen counter.

I crossed my arms. “You know what they say about people who make assumptions…” Turning away from him, I opened my fridge, staring at the contents to figure out what I wanted to make for a late-night snack. It might be late night/early morning, but I always came home famished from work.
