Page 109 of This Thing Between Us

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Haver's Creek High always went to the playoffs.

Jack rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, actually, the school has asked me to step in as interim coach.”

The surprise must have shown on my face. “That's amazing, but you don't have enough going on between being a cop and running a winery?” I ran my fingers over some of the bottles that were displayed on a shelf.

Frankly, I'm sure the school would kill to have former superstar athlete Jack Montgomery run their football program over wannabe Ramstrom.

“Did you say yes?” I leaned back on the desk as his hands came to sit on either side of me. A goofy grin came over his face.

My head tilted back as I laughed. “Of course, you did. Like you aren't busy enough.”

He leaned in, giving me a gentle peck on the lips. Again, he didn't take things further but suddenly football was the last thing I cared to talk about.

“It sounds impossible, but I never considered coaching.” He pulled himself back as if deep in tonight. “But ever since Principal Pappas asked me if I'd be interested in the job, I've been thinking how right it feels to do this.” Coming out of his revelry, he turned back to face me.

I pulled him in closer. “I'm happy for you,” I told him earnestly. He'd be an amazing coach and super protective over those boys. Of that I had no doubt.

I let my fingers roam along his lapels, then down his chest.

Arms wrapped around me as Jack nuzzled my neck, pulling me upright against him.

Jack’s lips were right behind my ear. “You look beautiful tonight.” His voice sent shivers down my spine as his arms wrapped around me.

His eyes softened. “I really hate that I didn’t tell you about me and Katie when I should have. You deserved to know. Will you forgive me?”

I bit my lip. “Is there anything else I should know about you? You don’t have some secret love child somewhere?” I looked around the office as if searching for evidence.

“There’s only one more thing I need to tell you.”

My stomach plummeted. I closed my eyes, and my body started to shake. I didn’t think I could physically handle any more surprises from Jack.

Between misunderstandings and short-lived engagements, we had enough working against us already.

He shook my hands. “Open your eyes, Sprinkles.” He slowly pressed his lips to mine, then pulled away, not advancing the kiss.

I reluctantly peeled them open.

“Whitney Rose, I’ve loved you since we were teenagers. You may have disappeared ten years ago, but my love didn’t disappear with you. I wondered about you every day. I compared every woman I met to you. And let me tell you, they always came up short. Even though all those years have passed, I still love you and I will continue to love you for the rest of my life.”

It was everything I ever hoped he would say. Words I only thought I’d hear in my wildest dreams.

“Are you sure?” I whispered, not trusting myself to hope.

Jack’s forehead met mine. “I’ve never been surer of anything in my entire life.”

Tears streamed down my face as I nodded, poking his chest. “Good, well you have a lot to make up for.”

He stopped my finger from poking him again. “And I plan to do whatever you want me to do to make it up to you,” he said, pulling me closer.

My eyebrows shot up. “Anything?” I bit my lip innocently.

Jack’s fingers trailed the length of my spine. “What do you have in mind, Sprinkles?”

I put a finger to my lip. “I think I’d like a repeat of what happened in the Italian restaurant bathroom.”

Jack’s eyes blazed. “Is that so?”

Had his voice gotten deeper?
