Page 112 of This Thing Between Us

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“Enjoy it while you can. I hear bubbles are hard to drink once the baby is bigger and heartburn becomes a constant companion.”

Savannah absently rubbed her tummy and made a face. “Sounds fun.”

I scanned the room at all the happy parents and happy players celebrating their victory. I also looked to make sure everyone enjoyed the football shaped sugar cookies I made specifically for the celebration.

Several parents asked for my business card already. I looked forward to the smaller gigs as my event planning got off the ground.

I hated being idle.

Jack made the rounds, clapping players on the back and performing intricate handshakes. I couldn’t help but track him as he did so, his strong body on display in the tight-fitting button down and jeans.

Sexy, casual.

The guy could pull off any look.

Finally, he plopped down in the seat next to me, whispering naughty things in my ear about what he wanted to do with me that night. Savannah hastily made an exit, barely managing to say good night.

I rubbed his thigh under the table, needing to touch him, wishing there was nothing between my hand and his skin.

When I felt his cock growing under my hand, I knew we needed to make an exit ourselves.

“Whoa there, tiger. Slow down.” He pulled my hand away from his pants.

My chest heaved, my body tuned to Jack and wanting more. “I think it’s time to go home.”

He grasped my hand, holding it tightly in his. “I think you’re right.”

We sat there for another minute, as Jack willed himself to calm down. Then we made a quick retreat. I sent a tiny prayer up to the heavens grateful we weren’t hosting the party and could leave whenever we wanted.

The freezing air greeted us as we trekked from the house to the car. I hissed as the cold leather hit the back of my legs, my leggings doing nothing to keep me warm.

Jack blasted the heat and turned on the heated seats. My teeth started to chatter as we waited for the car to warm. Jack leaned over, his furnace-like hand reaching for my face, pulling me in. In seconds, the cold was forgotten and the inferno inside me returned.

With a satisfied smile, Jack pulled back. “You warm enough?”

“I know a way to make us both even warmer.”

Jack growled, and I determined I would never grow tired of hearing it. “Well, let’s get going then.” He pulled out of the long driveway. “I just have one stop I need to make.”

He looked over at me with a sexy grin on his face.

“What do you have up your sleeve, Montgomery?”

“Oh, just a little trip to Barb’s for a slice of pie. That’s my favorite way to celebrate, you know.”

I rolled my eyes. “I can always go for pie, so I’m obviously not complaining, but I thought we just celebrated.” I pointed my thumb behind me, wondering what he was up to.

The edge of his lips lifted. “I was thinking we could do a little more celebrating tonight. Well, I was hoping we can.”

We drove together in silence the rest of the way, with me silently stewing trying to figure out what the hell he was up to.

After Barb personally served us coffee and our favorite slices of pie, I noticed something funny about my plate. On top of the pie slice sat a lone flower petal.

Flowers weren’t really part of Barb’s normal pie decorating process.

Whipped cream, sure. Flowers? Not so much,

But this wasn’t any ordinary flower. This one had a diamond ring in the center.
