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The world changed; it was as if I was viewing everything in slow motion. Dust filled the air. I jostled in my seat and my mind went blank, as if trying to catch up to my body.

I sat still, mind muddled, desperate to figure out what happened.

Ringing. My ears rang.

Airbag. My airbag deployed.

The white powder covering me came from inside the now empty bag.

I looked around my car, trying to assess the damage. Windows intact, nothing seemed off. It was then I looked out the windows and found people starting to gather, a few on their cell phones, arms gesticulating frantically.


I’d been in a car accident.

Some motherfucker hit me.

After looking in my rearview mirror, I found a car smashed into the back of mine.

“Just great.”

I had no idea how long I’d sat in my car in stunned silence.

Reaching for the handle, I found it just as someone approached my car.

The car door swung open. “Jesus, you damn near gave me a heart attack.”

Goosebumps broke out all over my skin, and it wasn’t from the accident.

Iknewthat voice. It had gotten me through all those trying years dealing with my mother and protecting my sister. Slowly, I brought my eyes up and found my former best friend staring at me with his piercing blue eyes.

And all I wanted to do was punch him in the face.

I flinched as he gently reached around to pull me out of the seat.

He halted his movements immediately. “Did I hurt you, Whit?” Jack asked, his voice laced with concern. “Sprinkles?”

I lifted my hands up, indicating that I didn’t want to be touched. The truth was, I wasn’t sure what hurt more, my heart or my body. And hearing that nickname crushed me. With that one little word, it suddenly felt like no time had passed, rather than a decade.

I shifted in my seat and out of his embrace. “I can do it.”

“Stubborn as always. Guess that hasn’t changed.” He shook his head as I moved one foot out of the car, prying myself from the vehicle. My knees buckled as I tried to stand. Immediately, Jack slipped his arm around my lower back to steady me.

“Take it easy. We can walk as slowly as you need to.” He directed me to the park across the street. As the main town square, it boasted a number of walkways, benches, water fountains, and a gazebo.

Envision Star’s Hollow. You know, from Gilmore Girls.

He guided me to the nearest bench, holding me until my ass was firmly on the wooden slats beneath me.

With a hand, he said, “Stay there, Whit. I gotta go check on the other driver.” For a long moment, he stared at me like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Then, with a shake of his head, he jogged away.

I sucked in a breath. My body desperately needed air.

Just as some other concerned citizens started to approach, I heard sirens calling from down the street. In no time at all, the EMTs were there. Jack pointed at me, sending them in my direction so they could begin looking me over.

I shook like a leaf as the adrenaline started to wear off.

Just then, a gentle hand fell on my shoulder, drawing my attention.
