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Katie glanced down at her notes. “That’s right, you’re an event planner.” She nodded. “That’s great,” she said, but her tone was a little less warm than it had been before. “I love attending that event each year. I’m actually one of the sponsors.” She smiled, but it didn’t quite meet her eyes.

“Oh perfect, then maybe I will pick your brain about what happened in years past while we are checking out potential homes.” It pained me a little to ask for help from Katie, but with this being my first big gig in Haver’s Creek, getting Katie’s feedback might not be a bad idea. Being popular in high school made her quite the influencer. Something told me that power hadn’t diminished any in the years since graduation. If anything, I’d bet she had even more power now that she was Haver’s Creek’s premiere real estate agent. Getting her on my side could only work to my advantage. Of course, that might mean spending more time with her, but I could handle it.

“Sure, we can do that.” Katie started to pack up her things, setting her purse in her lap when she was done. “I forgot to ask you, what brings you back to town?”

Not wanting to divulge the details of my return, I kept it vague. “Just felt like a change.”

Very few people deserved to know exactly what brought me back. Katie least of all.

It still felt surreal that I was back for good and not just for a visit. But if it helped Sav, then it was worth it. And there was no way in hell I’d miss out on being an aunt. I wanted to make sure Savannah’s baby wouldn’t have the same childhood we endured.

We’d break that cycle together.

Katie opened her mouth as if to say something, but then thought better of it.

“Why don’t I get started compiling a few houses for you to look at and we can go look at them tomorrow? Meet here at nine in the morning and I’ll drive us around.” She stood and held out her hand, so I did the same. After a few seconds too long, she released my hand, smiled again, waved at the shop’s staff and left.

I breathed a sigh of relief at her departure.

I still had a few hours to go until the meeting with Barb and the gala planning committee, so I went back to Savannah’s house, changed into my running gear, and hit the pavement. The only way I managed to bake and eat the way I did was because I ran, and it cleared my head when images of Jack and Katie flooded my mind.

Chapter 11


I patrolled Main Street, saying “hi”to the folks I passed. Between growing up here and now serving as a police officer, I knew pretty much everyone in Haver’s Creek. It made things easier, but also made it feel more personal when I had to bust people.

I imagined big city cops didn’t have that issue.

As I made my way to my vehicle, I swung past Coffee Creek, considering a cold brew for an afternoon jolt before seeing Coach Ramstrom. One glance in the big bay window revealed Whitney, sitting at a table. It wasn't until I neared the door that I noticed who she was with.

Katie Kooney sat across from her, sipping her signature drink.

I kept my head down, picking up the pace to my car, dismissing my need for caffeine. It had been a few weeks since I’d run into Katie, and it gave me an uneasy feeling to see her talking to Whitney.

I’d have to deal with Katie later.

Right now, my focus was on investigating Jeremy’s claims about Coach Ramstrom. It took a lot of guts for Jeremy to walk into my office and tell me that his coach was up to no good.

My gut told me to believe him. I couldn’t waste any time.

Especially if Jeremy’s health and the health of the other players was at stake.

I’d seen a lot of shady practices during my brief stint in the NFL and I’d be damned if I let those sorts of practices take root in Haver’s Creek.

I unlocked my cruiser, hopped in, and took off towards the school. It took only a handful of minutes to reach the parking lot. Before I got out of the car, I secured my cap firmly to my head and made sure I had my notepad ready to go.

I could walk the path to the football field blindfolded. The well-worn flagstone steps circled their way around the school buildings to the back of the school which held the football, baseball, and soccer fields. Students were practicing all over, but it was Coach Ramstrom and his huddle of varsity players that caught my eye.

As I approached the field, a few of the players glanced my way, brows pinching at the sight of a cop during their practice session. Or maybe it was having an ex-pro baller on the field. I couldn’t tell.

Only when Coach Ramstrom realized he’d lost the attention of his team, did he bother to look over his shoulder.

Ramstrom moved his sunglasses to the top of his head, squinting as he took in my presence.

“Hello, Jack, I’m surprised to see you here.” He held out his hand, so I shook it, smiling broadly.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” I said, taking in the brood behind him, all watching with rapt attention.
