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I lowered my laptop screen a pinch so I could see Savannah.

“Where would you host this event?” I folded my hands in front of me as I waited for her to think about it. She walked to the counter and poured herself a glass of water before taking a seat at the table.

“Gosh, I don’t know, Whit, that’s more your domain than mine.”

I shook my head. “Not true, I haven’t been here for the last ten years. You know this place better than I do. You’ve gone to bars, to events. Is there any place that has stood out for you?”

She breathed in through her nose and I watched her as she thought long and hard. No doubt scrolling through her internal Rolodex of Haver’s Creek venues. Savannah liked to party, before the whole pregnancy thing at least. She’d know the best places to check out.

I lifted my screen back up, resuming my search as she racked her brain. I’d just pulled up a cute bed-and-breakfast I’d never seen before on Yelp.

Savannah scrolled through her phone. “I have some ideas, write these down.”

Picking up my pen, I let her know I was ready.

“There’s a new brewery, something Hops, I think it’s called out on Highway Seventeen that has a great patio space, with string lights, the whole shebang.” She waved her hands to demonstrate how the lights were hung.

“That’s a good start. What else?” I jotted down the name of the brewery, as I urged her to continue.

“And there is this cute bed-and-breakfast that opened up right after you left town,” she started to explain.

“Oh, I just saw that.” I switched back to my screen and the Yelp page I’d left open. “Haver’s Creek Inn,” I read. “Not exactly original, but to the point.” I shrugged.

Savannah rolled her eyes at me. “Be that as it may, it’s really beautiful inside. My friend Siobhan had her wedding there two years ago. It’s gorgeous.”

“I’ll make sure to tour it,” I promised. This was exactly what I needed, venues that could accommodate a crowd. “What else?”

Savannah rattled off a few other places that sounded okay, including the high school gym. Which was a questionable suggestion at best.

“You’re the greatest.” I got up from the table, patting her head before she swatted me away. “Ready for dessert?” I had baked some treats between meeting with Katie and the gala planning committee. Although now that I knew it was just Jack and I it seemed kind of silly to call it a committee.

I removed the pumpkin pie from the fridge, making sure to grab the whipped cream while I was at it.

“Ready for a little fall treat?” I wagged my brows as I set the pie tin on the counter, searching for a knife.

“One drawer over,” Savannah directed me as I looked for the cutting utensil of choice. There were already a couple of clean plates on the counter, so I sliced us some good-sized pieces, before adding the whipped cream on top.

I passed a plate to Sav and sat back down. “It’s not as good as Barb’s pies, but it’s damn close.” I savored every bite, thinking about the long run I’d have to go on in the morning to compensate for my late-night indulgence.

Savannah threw her head back and sighed. “This is heaven.”

I smiled, not so secretly pleased. There was no better feeling than having someone like a dessert you’ve created.

Except good sex. That was nice too.

“What’s your plan for tomorrow?” I asked her, taking another sip of wine.

“Back to work, unfortunately.” She licked her plate clean.

I laughed. “You can get more, you know.”

“Meh,” she said, setting the empty plate in front of her.

“Well, it’s lucky you work at a preschool. You already know a bunch about kids.”

She shot me a look. “It’s because I work in a day care that I know exactly how hard it is to care for kids, especially when you are on your own,” she said, in obvious concern. I hadn’t meant to stir up any negative feelings. I couldn’t begin to imagine what she faced doing this without the baby’s father.

“Have you talked to him?” Him. We didn’t even say his name, not in this household. Not right now. Maybe that would change in time. But maybe it wouldn’t. That uncertainty drove me here. I knew if I were in my sister’s shoes that I wouldn’t want to be dismissed by the man I loved while pregnant with his baby. He’d be permanently out of my life.
