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“You’re going to be okay,” a woman with warm brown skin and bright, clear eyes assured me. “Focus on me and tell me what happened,” she asked, wasting no time taking my vitals and performing a physical examination, no doubt looking for bumps, bruises, and blood.

Her melodic voice calmed me down enough to finally look towards the other car.

Jack and one of the paramedics were pulling a woman out of the vehicle. From a distance, it took me a few seconds to piece together what I was seeing. Her small stature, her signature bob, and her smoker’s mouth were unmistakable.


I launched to my unsteady feet, ignoring the dull ache that had settled over my body. One foot in front of the other, I stomped until I came face to face with the woman who had given birth to me.

She looked older than her years. She always had. That’s what happened when you drank too much, experimented with drugs, and threw away your body to any man who’d score you your next hit.

Today she reeked of booze.

My mother’s eyes widened ever so slightly when she realized who stood in front of her.

Feet wide and arms crossed, I stared at her. I sucked in a breath, but Jack interrupted me before I had a chance to speak. Propped between Jack and the EMT, my mother was in no condition to stand on her own.

“You don’t want to do this, Sprinkles,” Jack said to me with a familiarity he was no longer entitled to. I shoot him a venomous look.

He had no right to tell me what to do or what not to do.

And right now, I sure as hell wanted to yell and scream, but when I opened my mouth to do so, all I could say was, “Mom?”

The first thing I’d said to her in ten years.

Nothing changed. Ten years and she hadn’t changed.

I ignored the pang of deep-seated disappointment in my chest.

The crushing blow of realizing that the childlike hope inside was once again squashed. That I somehow had convinced myself that things could be different.

But of course, they couldn’t.

And it sucked the life out of me, just like it did all those years ago.

Directing my attention to the EMT taking care of my mother, I said, “Get her some help.” Then I marched back to my bench, hunched over, and laid my head in my hands.

All my life, my mother had been a failure. Why should anything be different now?

Being back here conjured up more feelings than I’d like to admit. Like all my childhood and adolescent fears bubbled to the surface. I could feel them nestled just under my skin. All those uncomfortable feelings I thought I had left behind long ago.

Just seeing her transported me back to childhood. I needed to remind myself that I was a grown woman.

“Fuck that.”

Needing my belongings, I headed to my car. Traffic had been redirected around the square, so I could walk without fear of getting hit again. A couple of tow trucks pulled in, prepared to take both our cars away. As I got closer, I noticed a noise coming from the vehicle.

My romance novel was still playing through the speaker system.

He dipped a finger into her panties, taking her breath away. Daisy heaved as he inserted a second finger.

“No, no, no, nononono…,” I muttered, opening the car door, trying to navigate through all the airbag powder to get to the stereo system.

“What the hell you listening to? Do you have porn on tape?” I jumped as Jack’s voice sounded from right behind me.

Wildly, I pressed buttons at random on my dashboard, hoping something would make it stop.

Take me now. I want to feel your length inside me.
