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“The football team party you were so eager to crash,” I reminded her. “If we are going to do this, we are going to do this right.” I pressed my fingers to my temple, worried this was a bad plan, but wanting to see it through.

Whitney clicked her tongue. “Of course, I’m still in. It makes me sick to think that Coach is actually forcing these kids to take performance enhancers. What year is this anyway? I thought this wasn’t a problem anymore.” I could hear her breathing heavily.

“Where are you?”

“Thanks,” she said in a muffled voice, obviously not directed at me. “Oh, I’m walking downtown. I’m picking up a coffee before meeting with Katie about the house.”

I cringed, but fortunately she couldn’t see my face.

“That’s great. Did she lock in the house for you?” I wanted her to say no. I’d much prefer if she just stayed with me, but that would take some more convincing, and something told me that just because we shared a kiss didn’t mean that Whitney would be an easy nut to crack.

Whitney sighed. “We can get out of your hair soon, but just not quite yet it seems.”

I lowered my voice. “You know you can stay as long as you need to. I like having you there.”

She pointedly ignored me. “So why are you calling again?”

I let her. “I need you to stop by today so that we can go over the plan. I’m making the necessary calls to get this going.”

Whitney made a noise that sounded like a “hmm.”

“Unless you’ve come to your senses and realized this is a terrible idea that I shouldn’t even be entertaining?” I pushed her, my gut unsettled at the idea of her alone in Ramstrom’s home.

She tsked me. “I’m not trying to back out. Just trying to determine if it’s actually necessary for us to do this in person.”

“I’m offended you’d think otherwise.” I wasn’t, but she didn’t need to know that. “I want to run through everything and make sure we are on the same page before you go in there. It’s not normal protocol to bring in civilians to do recon. Actually, it’s pretty much not something we ever do and for good reason. This is the only way I’m comfortable even letting this proceed. Otherwise, I’ll just do what I normally do, apply pressure elsewhere, interview some witnesses and take it from there.”

Whitney relented. “Fine, I’ll be there.”

I knocked my fist on my desk in victory. “Great, why don’t you stop by in two hours? That will give me enough time to make some calls.” She agreed, and I got to work right away making sure we had everything we needed for the weekend.

By the time I heard a knock on my door, I was surprised to look up and find Whitney standing there with an over-sized purse in her hand. A quick glance at the clock confirmed it had indeed been a couple of hours since we spoke.

I shot up out of my chair, stumbling a bit as I realized my left foot had fallen asleep.

“Whoa, there.” She reached out to brace me.

Her touch was electric.

When I got my footing, she pulled away. I felt the loss of her touch more than I thought possible. We stood there for a pulse, just staring at each other.

She wore a vibrant orange pantsuit that amplified her curves, showing just enough cleavage to leave me wanting more. The orange complemented her chestnut hair, making it look even more red than normal.

To put it simply, she stunned me into submission.

Someone clamoring down the hallway broke the spell, sending Whitney to the seat across from my desk.

I rubbed my balmy hands on my pants before sitting in my chair.

I waited to see what Whitney would do with the sudden quiet. While my body hummed around her, it also relaxed, glad to be once again sharing space with her.

Whitney’s gaze went straight back to the photo of us from when we were teens. Two smiling kids just having fun by the creek.

Things seemed simpler back then. Logically, I knew they weren’t. We just found happiness through the storms.

I guess not much had changed over the years.

I just hoped Whitney wouldn’t back away, afraid to explore the pull between us.
