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“Yeah. It’s because she has been bullied in high school. Just like Tommy.”

Deirdre dipped her chin and said, “After her attack she needed to feel strong and empowered. I’m so proud of her.”

“What the hell?”

His sister shifted on her stool. “She… she hadn’t told you? Oh, fuck. She talked about it in several classes at the dojo. I figured because she’d told strangers about it, she must have told you.”

Keenan couldn’t believe he had to hear this from his sister. “What happened?”

Deirdre shook her head. “No, I’ll let her decide if she wants to tell you. I’m sorry, Keen. But I only mentioned it because I thought you knew.”

Deirdre blew a few red strands out of her face. Keenan followed the strands as they fell back into the same spot. It made him think of Ryleigh’s spectacular hair color.

Vibrant and different.

Just like Ryleigh.

Keenan picked up the phone, not knowing what he would say to her, but he dialed her number, anyway.

He’d reached her voicemail once again and said, “Ry. I’m sorry. I’ve been an asshole. Please call me.”

“How are you going to make things right?” Declan said.

Keenan finished his beer with a big gulp. He sat the bottle back on the counter and said, “I have no fuckin’ clue.”

“But you want to make it right, do you?” Deirdre asked.

“Yes, of course. I…” Keenan stood from his seat and paced the kitchen. He waved a hand around and said, “Do you know what’s absolutely fuckin’ crazy?”

Declan chuckled, “How you start swearin’ after two beers?”

“Besides that.” Keenan raked a hand through his hair and said, “I’ve never been happier.”

“Huh?” Deirdre blinked a few times.

“I mean it. Ryleigh has made me come back from whatever hellhole I’ve put myself in, because I’ve felt guilty...”

He yanked the fridge open and got them another round of beer. He handed Deirdre a bottle and said, “You’re stayin’ by the way. Can’t have you drivin’ with all this beer.”

Deirdre smiled and accepted the beer. “Okay, big brother.”

“Whatever did you feel guilty about, Keen? You weren’t the one that left?”

“I know, Dee. But I kept thinkin’, what if I said this, or what if I’d done that? Maybe she would’ve stayed and our son wouldn’t have been miserable and heartbroken. But I know now that’s all bullshit. She was never going to stay. No matter what I’d said or done.”

“Wow. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

“I know I’m right, sis. And I have this weight that’s been lifted off my chest by knowin’ the truth. Tellin’ Tommy when he’s older is goin’ to hurt him all over again, and it’s going to be bad. But do you know what else I realized?”

She shook her head and waited for him to continue.

“I’ve never been as happy with Evangeline as I am with Ryleigh. What I had with Evangeline wasn’t real. I romanticized what we had because of Tommy. I wanted to give him a loving family… But I never felt more alive and myself as I do since I’ve met Ryleigh.”

“Aaah.” Deirdre’s eyes twinkled, and she held a hand to her chest.

“She brings out the best in me. And in my son. They love each other so much; nobody will ever come between them. And that’s what real family is all about.”

“We have to get you your family back, Cuz.”

Keenan swallowed the lump in his throat. Thinking about losing Ryleigh almost made him cry. “Yeah. Tommy, Ryleigh and I.”
