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That was the thing with family and friends joining her classes at the dojo. The two worlds were finally colliding, and now she’d told his sister about what happened to her before Keenan.

“It’s okay.”

“Dee wouldn’t tell me anything, Ry. She didn’t break your trust.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, “I really like your sister. Both of them.”

“I heard about your upcoming girls’ night out. I’m so happy that you’re becoming friends. I’m so proud to have you as my girlfriend.”

Keenan was just too damn sweet. She didn’t know what this handsome man was doing with the likes of her, but she warned the evil whispering voice in the back of her mind, that she would never let it win. She would fight her inner turmoil to keep her man.

“I want you to know that I’ve never shared my story with anyone before I started teaching at the dojo. But I wanted to reassure my students that I would never pass judgment on them, and that I know from experience what some of them may have been through.”

Keenan’s lips briefly touched the tip of her nose. “I’m so proud of you.”


“Sorry, please continue,” he said and waited for her to find her words.

“I’ve told you how I’ve been bullied as a kid and it got even worse in high school. I would like to say that I was a totally different person back then, but that would be simply untrue. I’m still me. Deep down, I’m still the same freckled, scared kid that has been told she’d better run before they would catch up to her.”

By the way Keenan shifted in the bed, she knew he’d felt angry at hearing her past. She hated to make matters worse, but he needed to hear this from her.

“When I was sixteen, I walked by the locker room one day to join the rest of my class. Before I could go inside, two boys jumped me. They were in my grade and I instantly knew that I was dealing with two of my biggest tormentors.”

Keenan whispered, “Shit…”

“They touched me, Keen.”

His arms tightened around her and by the way he grounded his teeth, she guessed he had a hard time controlling his emotions.

“I screamed and kicked, but one held me down and the other touched me. They both groped my breasts and right when one shoved his hand down my pants, the bell interrupted them. I ran until my lungs burned. I can still hear them laugh behind my back after that day. For them, it had all been a joke. Well, not for me. I asked Dev to train me, to show me how to fight off an attacker.”

“You’re so strong, Ry. And I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

She gave him a soft kiss and said, “Thanks, Keen. I know you think I’m strong, but I’m not. Not really. I should have told someone what happened.”

He shook his head and said, “You survived hell in high school. Nobody should have to fight for the right to be left alone—to not to be touched like that. You help other women protect themselves against attackers like the ones you had to fight off at age sixteen. You were just a young girl, Ry.”

She sniffed, and the first tear broke the seal, with new tears brimming her eyes.

“I think I understand you wanting to fight much better now. And I’m sorry I had my opinions ready before knowing your past.”

“I hate that you’re leaving. I don’t know if you’re indeed coming back to me.”

Blurting her insecurity like that made her groan.

“Always. I’m never leaving you. And you better believe that if it means that I’ll have to fight you on this; I’ll be the one coming out on top this time. I’m never letting you go.”
