Page 26 of The Immortal Tailor

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Miss me?

“No.” But what did it matter now? The beast was back, and Damien had no one to blame but himself. His rage caused this. His anger had reopened the door. Now he had no choice but to deal with it.

Later. I’ll deal with it later,he thought. First, these depraved motherfucking Browns needed to be punished.

He marched toward the staircase, ready to track them down and wage war.

A tiny cough sounded from one of the cages on the bottom row. From the corner of his eye, Damien noted a twitch.

He walked over and looked inside. It was a small brown pig. No, not a pig. A little Chihuahua. He opened the cage and pulled it out. The thing immediately started rubbing its soiled, emaciated body against his chest.

I don’t believe it. She’s a love-sucking demon.He tucked her under his coat, knowing he’d have to be careful, or the hungry thing would drain him.

He quickly checked the other cages. No survivors. He wondered what he’d tell Pet.

Damien slid his lockpick from his jacket and jabbed the wall near the stairwell, chipping out a sample of plaster.

Disappointing. As far as he could tell, there was nothing unique about this bunker. No special panels or materials. No reason the creatures down here would have been insulated against the blast.Unless they weren’t here when it happened.It was a dead end, just as he’d predicted.

Damien decided it was time to go and went upstairs, immediately bumping into Pet.

“Gack! Damien!”


“Sky says some shady men just pulled up with a big radio!” she spouted.

Wonderful.“We’ll have to go out the back door.” It was just off the kitchen.

Damien took two steps and tipped his nose to the air.Funny.He noted a strange odor coming from the garage door.

His eyes went wide. “Pet! That is not nail polish!”

He grabbed the pest and sprinted for the kitchen.

Five seconds too late.

The house exploded.


“Damien? Can you hear me,” a soft voice whispered. “Damien? Wake up.”

Damien was greeted by a familiar pair of warm brown eyes.

“Sky?” He stared at the curvature of her cheekbones and the elegant arches of her black brows, convinced he was in a dream. Everything around them was dark, and the ground was cold beneath him.

“Yes. It’s me.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed. Her touch felt amazing. Warm, like her eyes.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in the Underworld, but K’ak says you can’t stay.”


“He says he’s the new God of the Underworld? Apparently, he took over for Cimil. But he says you have to go back to your body; you need to wake up. The house is on fire, and Pet and Gorgonzolina need you. They’re trapped, and it’s not their time yet.”

Huh? Time?“Gorgonzol-what?”
