Page 45 of The Immortal Tailor

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Pet chimed in, “Damien went to see the guy Sky wrote an article about. Get this: Damien caught him using Elenore here to drum up money for these festivals he’s been throwing to lure in supernatural creatures.” Pet looked at Elenore. “I’ve never met a were-eagle. Do you want to have sex later?”

Elenore slowly shook her head. “No, but thanks.”

“How about now, then?” Pet asked.

“Pet!” Damien barked. “She does not want to have sex with you. No one does.”

Speak for yourself, tailor. I wouldn’t mind a little fairy fun.

“Shut. Up,” he growled.

You took away Amelia, so I have to get my kicks somehow. Ask the were if she’d like to fuck. Maybe we can go out killing later, too.

“You are not going to fuck Amelia, Sky’s ghost, Elenore, or even Pet. Do you hear me? There will be no fucking of any sort, no killing of any kind.”

“Who are you speaking to?” MF asked.

“Never mind.” Damien looked at Elenore. “So you think the next festival is still going to happen now that Vincente’s dead?”

“From what I overheard, it’s a big operation. They were even discussing a corporate sponsor for the festival.”

Corporate sponsor? Damien had to wonder why any company would want to get involved with something like this.

“What happened to Vincente?” Pet asked. “Sky wants to know.”

“I killed him, and all his disgusting guests, too.” Elenore patted her stomach. “Did you know they were going to auction me off to the highest bidder?”

“For what purpose?” Damien asked. He guessed sex.

“I don’t know.”

Pet chimed in again, “Sky says we need to stop them. We have to go to that festival and find out who’s running it, sponsoring it, and why. They need to be exposed, and we need to warn the creatures who show up.”

“The blast removed most immortal life from the planet,” Damien explained. “I doubt many will show up.”

“What blast?” Elenore asked.

“That’s what the fairy was talking about. Some unicorn and hellhound mated, causing an explosion about nine months ago. It wiped the supernatural creatures off the planet. Anyone born human became human again. The rest were sent to the Underworld. That’s all I know.”

“But look around this room,” Elenore said. “We all survived. There must be a reason why.”

Agreed. And Damien needed to find the answer.

“Speaking as the head of my household,” Bonbon said, “and as a creature close to extinction, I say we go to Miami and save as many creatures as we can. With so few of us left, it is important to keep them alive. Also, I hear the cuddles taste good there.”

“Head of your household?” Damien asked.

“Yeah, she and I just got married. How did you miss it?” Bonbon glanced at Gorgonzolina.

Damien simply stared. “Because you haven’t moved since you walked in the room.”

“Oh, we marry through our pheromones. I pumped some of my hot demon juice into the air. She accepted me by pumping some of hers back.”

“All right. That is enough. I do not want to be breathing in hot demon juice vapors or hosting family members who think Sky is still alive, nor do I need to babysit weres and fairies. It is time for all of you to leave. Now.”

“Sky’s dead?” said a soft female voice from the doorway leading to the foyer.

Everyone turned their heads. It was Amelia. Miguel stood behind her.
