Page 15 of Primal

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His dark eyes searched my face for a moment.

He must have found what he was looking for then, because his lips crashed down on mine.




And I just… melted into him.

I became suddenly aware of every inch of my body somehow at the same time. The crush of my breasts to his chest. His strong fingers holding my head. The arm crushing across my back. The throbbing ache between my thighs.

All of it, though, seemed oddly eclipsed by something else, something that grew from somewhere buried deep, some sort of overwhelming feeling of rightness, of oneness.

I didn’t even have a name for it, had never experienced anything even close to it in the past.

All I knew was there was something comforting about it, so despite not even having a clue what it was, I leaned into it, into him.

I melted in his arms, feeling him wrap me up tighter as he kissed me like it was a promise of forever, like it followed a vow at an altar and rings exchanged.

My arms went up, wrapping around his neck, his skin warm under my fingers despite the chill around us.

Even when his hands slipped downward, gathering up my skirt and exposing my ass, I didn’t feel anything but the brush of his heated skin, but the pang of desire as his hands sank into my ass, using it to pin me against his hips where his cock was hard and straining for me already.

Everything just felt very… familiar. And because of that familiarity, comfortable.

Suddenly, Way’s hands were sinking in hard to my ass, dragging me up and off my feet by it until I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding on for dear life as he started to move.

I’d never been carried by a man.

But Way had lifted me up like it was nothing.

I never expected just how hot it was to have a man that strong, but there was no denying it was just amplifying the need already consuming me.

The next thing I knew, my ass was dropping down on the top of the porch railing that I didn’t exactly have a lot of faith in.

Way seemed oblivious to this, though, as he yanked away from me to drop down onto his knees, slipping up under my skirt, and teasing his lips up my thigh.

Again… familiar.

The way he kissed, the scrape of his stubble.

So very much like that fantasy that had been playing around in my head.

But then his face was between my thighs, tracing up my cleft, and toying with my clit, and all those pesky, rational thoughts? Yeah, they flew right out of my head. And good riddance. Who needed them, when you had a gorgeous man licking and sucking and teasing you with his tongue and lips and the barest scrape of his teeth?

Not me.

I got enveloped in the sensations as he teased over me, driving me up, as he slipped two fingers into my waiting heat, as he stroked with perfect rhythm, then turned and started to glide against my top wall as his tongue moved a little faster on my clit.

“Not yet,” he hissed, mouth ripping from me as I let out a pained moan. “I need you to come around my cock,” he told me.

And never, absolutely never before, did I want to feel a man inside me as much as I wanted to feel him.

His hands sank into my hips as he got to his feet, pulling me off the shaky railing, then turning me so my back met his chest.

I wasn’t even fully aware of telling my hands to hike up my skirt, to offer a silent invitation, but that was exactly what I did.

Way’s hands went around me, though, finding a little more patience, just enough to pull down the neckline of my bodice and expose my breasts to the chilly air.

His hands covered them immediately, squeezing the swells, then rolling my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers until I was writhing, until I was grinding back against his straining cock.

“I need to be inside you,” he growled in my ear, his voice deliciously deep. It made a shiver course through my core.

“Yes. Please,” I whimpered, pressing my thighs together to ease the ache there.

On a vibrating rumble, he reached behind me, freeing himself.

I felt him tease against my cleft, rubbing at my wetness, then pressing against me.

His one arm went around my chest, anchoring me to his body as he surged inside me.

A deep moan escaped me as he filled me completely, perfectly, entirely.

“Mine,” he growled in my ear, his voice rough.


That was… that was definitely what he said.

And that was what the dream version of him had said as well.

How could he have possibly known that?

Before I could even let those thoughts take root, though, he was moving inside of me.
