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What if he did notintendto finish, and she was left even more needy and achy than she was now?

Any thought of speaking privately with her new husband during the carriage ride had flown. She did not think she could bear to sit through an entire brunch feeling so tightly wound, yet she could not bring herself to stop him. There was a small part of her wishing, hoping he was going to bring her to completion and satisfy the need pulsing through her.

Besides… she wanted to know what his mouth felt like when appliedthere.

His tongue flicking over her legs was pleasurable enough, and the softcore of her womanhood throbbed as his lips approached. Mary cried out, her body jerking when his tongue slipped between her nether lips, caressing her intimately and sending pleasure rushing through her. It was utterly, wonderfully wicked.

Rex shifted between her legs, pushing them farther apart, then his mouth was fully on her. Mary leaned back against the carriage seat, her hands moving to brace herself against the rocking wall, trying to push her throbbing parts against his questing tongue. Whether or not the coachman could hear her had ceased to matter.

All that mattered was the growing pleasure in the center of her body, the tingling itch she had not been able to assuage since their last private carriage ride together. Her nipples ached, her toes curled, and she quivered as Rex licked, sucked, and expertly wound her tighter and tighter.

“Please… oh, please…” The begging words fell from her lips before she could stop them, but she could not regret the loss of pride, for it was as though he had been waiting for them.

The wet heat of his mouth clamped down where she was most sensitive, most delicate, and hesucked.

Mary keened, sobbing with relief as ecstasy crashed over her, igniting where his tongue laved her and exploding outward. Her body was flushed, hot, and drowning in the exquisite sensations washing over her in glorious waves of pleasure, leaving her limp and spent upon the seat.

When Rex finally pulled away, reemerging from beneath her skirts, flushed with his hair mussed and lips shiny with her arousal, she did not have the energy to do more than stare at him, still panting for breath. He was breathing heavily as well, and she could see the outline of his cock against the front of his pants.

Smiling, he licked his lips like a cat savoring its cream. Running one hand over his blond locks, he managed to straighten them into some sense of style, though they remained rumpled. He no longer looked so prim and proper.

Blushing, Mary sat upright, pushing her skirts back down into place. Creases remained, and she groaned.

“Everyone is going to know we did… something.” Lifting her head, she glared at him. He smirked back at her. Blasted rakes.

Taking her hand, he brought it to his mouth, turning it at the last moment and kissing the inside of her palm. Despite feeling satiated from his oral endeavors, Mary’s hand tingled in response. The man was positively lethal. It was not fair the way she reacted to him.

“They will guess, but they will not know.” He shrugged, refusing to relinquish her hand when she tugged gently. “Besides, Iama rake. It is almost expected. Did you know the Earl of Spencer carried his countess out of their wedding brunch over his shoulder?”

Mary gasped. “He did not!”

Even as she said the words, she could picture the Earl and Countess of Spencer doing just that. Mouth firming, ignoring the sweet lassitude drifting through her limbs, she sternly glared at Rex.

“You will not be doing the same.” Goodness, she would die of embarrassment if he did. Then she would have to kill him. It would be the only solution.

Hearing the seriousness in her tone, Rex grinned, leaning forward to steal a kiss. Mary’s lips parted, and she could taste the musky sweetness of her own climax on his lips. Both repelled and fascinated, she let him kiss her deeply, wondering at the shocking levels of perversity she was willing to entertain with him.

The carriage lurched to a halt.

“Then you should be glad I only chose to… rumple the package a bit more on the way here.” Another wink, then he was pulling away to open the door to the carriage, leaving Mary to humph and grumble before composing her expression and dragging her social smile back to her lips, the smile coming a bit more easily and sincerely than it should have.

She was going to have to work on bolstering her defenses if she had any chance of making him chase her.


Wedding brunches were tedious affairs, which Rex had studiously avoided as much as possible. Unfortunately, it was impossible to dodge his own, and he had discovered the only thing more tedious thanawedding brunch washiswedding brunch. Whoever had decided a ceremony should be immediately followed by a gathering of guests, instead of promptly retiring to the bedroom for consummation, had a lot to answer for.

He had been amused by the tale of the Earl of Spencer carrying his bride from their brunch, but now he understood why. If only he could do the same, but Mary would be mortified rather than amused or aroused by such a manly show of passion.

Turning to look at his bride, surrounded by her friends and family, glowing from within as they heaped their love and attention on her, Rex knew he would not take her away just to indulge his own desires. One thing he had realized about his Mary was how blind she was to the love others held for her. Something which he thought likely stemmed from her parents’ attitude. The one time he had asked about whether they would be upset at missing the wedding, she had merely blinked and responded she could not see why.

Later, a quick question to Walter had revealed that calling Mary’s parents neglectful was putting it kindly. Thankfully, Walter’s mother had stepped in once she realized the extent of their disinterest in their daughter. Unfortunately, she had not had the revelation until it became clear Mary’s parents had not arranged for a debut and had no interest in securing a husband or a future for her. From there, the Viscountess had taken charge of Mary’s future.

Seeing Mary basking in the approval of her aunt and uncle, Rex knew her parents were not missed. Perhaps it was best they were not here—he was not sure he would be able to keep his own distaste from showing at how they had treated their daughter.

“I suppose I should say congratulations.” The acerbic tone made it clear Elijah was not sure he felt up to the task.

Turning, Rex cocked an eyebrow at his former friend but remained silent. After a long moment, Elijah was the first to avert his gaze. Rudeness had never been his forte, and considering how obsessed he had become with being a proper English gentleman after running wild in their youth, Rex had wagered he would not be any better at it now.
