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He had only had her once, and he had done a very good job of it. There should be no reason for her to hurry to another’s bed.

Strangely, he did not like the idea of her talking to the Society’s ladies, either. While Rex had always felt secure in his own position among the Society, he was aware the ladies…compared. Would speaking with them make Mary even more curious about other gentlemen?

Still, he did not like to see his wife pulling away from him or covering herself. Doing his best not to scowl at the offending sheet now hiding her delicious curves, he tugged at it, leaning forward.

“I can answer your questions,” he said, letting his voice lower seductively.

Mary, unmoved by his sudden change in tone, her brow furrowed in a ferocious scowl. She rather looked like an angry kitten, though he knew better than to voice the comparison. She was so petite and prim, made to look even smaller by the heavy furnishings in his room. With her blonde hair tousled and falling around her shoulders, she looked delightfully rumpled. Rex already regretted his previous tone. He should have cuddled and coddled her from the moment she started speaking, then demonstrated why she did not need the Society at all.

“You did not even want to tell me whether being sore is usual.” Tilting her nose up haughtily, the effect was ruined when the sheet slipped about her breasts, and she had to yank it back into place. Inwardly, Rex sighed. The question had bothered him, but he did not know why. Maybe because it brought others into their bedroom.

While he was certainly not ashamed of his past or his liaisons, he did not want them to be a part of his and Mary’s experience. Having her remind him of the many women who had come before her had felt… wrong. Invasive to the little cocoon he had mentally wrapped them in.

“I apologize.” Leaning forward, even more, he tugged harder on the sheet, giving her the option of coming with it or letting it fall from her breasts. Still scowling, she chose to scoot closer, though she leaned away from him, holding even tighter to the sheet. “It was an unexpected question, and I do not like to think of anyone else while I have you beside me.”

Her expression softened. Rex smiled and tugged again, pulling her forward, even more reluctantly. He could not ever remember trying to seduce a woman into cuddling with him, but he desperately wanted to get back to where they were a few minutes ago. To his relief, Mary allowed him to reel her in, and he settled them back down.

Stroking her hair, he found some of his happy calm had evaporated. The question kept ringing around his head.

What was he going to do about his wife and the Society?

Chapter 19


“Where are you going?” The baffled question came from behind Mary as she was pulling on her gloves.

Mary froze. The last she saw him, her husband had been safely tucked away in the library. Mrs. Maple had assured her he would be there for the next few hours, his custom on Sundays. They had broken their fast together before he had taken his leave to write some letters, Mary had finished putting her room to rights with Rose and Mrs. Maple’s help, then she had realized there was still time to make her way to Hyde Park.

Initially, she had not planned to meet her friends, not knowing how they would spend their first day as a married couple. It appeared he did not plan on changing his routine, so she thought she would be able to sneak out and return without him ever being the wiser. Now, she had been caught readying herself for a jaunt outdoors without informing him.

Straightening, she turned to face him, doing her best to settle her nerves before answering. Rex stood before her, not Michael. Yesterday, in his bedroom, he had been Michael, completely and unreservedly, but now he was every inch the lion, the king of his house, and a displeased and suspicious Rex at that.

“Hyde Park. My friends and I meet there every Sunday.” Nothing but the truth, although she was omitting some information—the existence of a fourth friend and why they were meeting.

Rex remained still, studying her closely. It was unnerving how easily he seemed to read her, especially when she was trying to hide something. Most people didn’t think twice about anything she told them. Beginning to feel nervous, Mary let her own gaze drift over him, distracting herself with how handsome her husband was.

They had missed the church services this morning and did not plan to leave the house, so he was dressed more casually for the day. He still cut a fine figure of a man. In fact, she might even like him a little better like this—relaxed, without the stiff collar, no jacket so she could admire his shoulders even more easily—a comfortable lion in his lair. A sight not everyone would be privy to.

“Give me ten minutes, and I will go with you,” he replied after a long moment.

“No!” The word burst forth before she could stop it, and Mary knew it was a mistake. She clapped her hands over her mouth, but it was too late.

Eyes blazing with new suspicion, Rex frowned, stepping into her room and shutting the door behind him. The only escape now would be through the window. The adjoining door tohisrooms was closer to him than to her. She backed up a step, dropping her hands by her sides, mind racing.

What was it about him that discomposed her so? Only aroundhim,she babbled, words she did not mean to say came bubbling up, only aroundhim,she became indiscreet. Mary did not know why, but at this rate, it was going to make keeping her secrets impossible.

A thought that had been simmering in the back of her mind slid forward. Howwasshe going to complete her mission and keep her secrets, now that she knew he was adamantly opposed to her engaging with the Society? She had not pressed the issue yesterday after her question about the next Society event, not after his initial reaction to the idea.

The rest of the day had been rather lovely, not just pleasurably so, but intimately. They had cuddled, caressed, kissed, had supper together, and when she was too sore for another joining, Rex had used his tongue to bring her to another climax, and she had returned the favor. The connection between them had burned bright and hot, and now, looking at him, she could feel it straining.

“I…” She searched for the right words to explain without betraying Evie. Pressing her lips together, she looked at him pleadingly, wordlessly begging him to understand, but it was clear from his hardening expression, he did not.

Crossing his arms over his chest, he waited. Mary let out her breath in a rush. She did not see another way forward.

“Come with me,” she said finally. “I am meeting my friends, but I have one friend you have not met yet, and she has secrets. They are not my mine to tell, but if she gives me permission, I will tell you everything.” She would have to hope that would be enough to keep the connection she already cherished shining bright.

Expression blank, Rex nodded his acceptance.
