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Bloody hell, she was amazing.

Thinking of her as an unbroken horse was more accurate than he’d realized. She was wild. Untamed. If he could master her… fuck. He didn’t even know her name, yet he was thinking about claiming her.

What spell had she woven over him?

It didn’t matter. His body was making certain demands on him, and he was moving atop her. Riding her as she writhed beneath him. Feeling her clenching around him, shuddering as she gasped and moaned with her rising passion.

The door slammed open behind them again.

“I said, get out!” Anthony roared over his shoulder, managing to maintain just enough sense to use French rather than English. Beneath him, the lady shrieked several curses at the soldiers, who were stupid enough to interrupt themagain.

“It can’t be him,” one of them muttered. “Look at him. He doesn’t care about anything but getting his money’s worth.”

The words made his jaw clench as they shut the door again, though not because it was proof they were looking for him. Their words reminded him that while the lady might be his for the moment, she was not actuallyhis.Bloody hell, he did not like that at all. The feeling of possessiveness that followed was as unexpected as it was potent.

“Don’t stop,” she ordered, lifting her hips, heels pressing against the backs of his thighs.

That she thought she could boss him around made him want to stop and spank her, to show her who was truly in charge, but under the circumstances, he pushed away the impulse. She did not know his rules. And the soldiers might return again, in which case it was best to continue on as they already were. Finishing out his ‘session’ would be the most convincing demonstration he was not the spy they were looking for.

So, he lost himself in her body, thrusting between her thighs as their mutual passion rose higher and higher.

* * *


Sensation swirled, and Evie writhed as the captain moved harder and faster with every thrust. It was pure, erotic bliss. Pleasure swamped her, making it hard for her to think. Not that she had to. He’d taken her control away completely, and there was nothing she could do but enjoy, which made it possible for her to relax and actually do so.

She did not have to think about what he wanted. He was doing what he wanted. And he was doing a very good job.

“Oh, please…” The hot tingling that preceded her climaxes made the words come easily. Hot need loosened her tongue as nothing else could. “Please!”

Evie arched her back, shuddering as the rising pleasure made her clench and squeeze his cock. Every thrust rubbed against her most sensitive spot, sending another burst of ecstasy shooting through her as she went higher and higher, the tension winding inside her tighter and tighter until it finally snapped.

She screamed her passion, just as he’d promised she would, the explosion of sensual rapture beginning in her core and flaming outward. Through it all, he kept thrusting and pumping, his groans becoming more impassioned until he suddenly pulled himself free.

Hot, sticky fluid spattered against her stomach while Evie panted for breath, her body simmering and slowly coming down from the heights of pleasure while the captain spilled his pleasure over her.

She hadn’t thought to ask him to do so and had forgotten to sheathe him with lambskin before impaling herself on him, which showed how overwrought she’d been. How he’d jumbled her sensibility.

She could not regret it. Perhaps it was the danger, the spontaneity, or her unexplained immediate physical attraction to him, but it had been the most wildly passionate and satisfying sexual encounter of her life. She did not have much experience, but if she’d known such glory was possible, she would have certainly been more open to it.

“Bloody hell.” He bent his head over her, panting for breath, his arms braced and their fingers still entwined. The mess on her stomach was already beginning to cool. “Stay right there.” He pushed himself upright.

Bemused, Evie decided to do as she was told, mostly because she was curious about his intentions. When he moved to the washbasin and picked up a cloth, wetting it and returning to clean off her stomach, she laid back on the bed and allowed it. Her body was still humming, and it was rather nice to relax and let him take care of things. Especially since he was being so considerate.

“What is your name?” he asked as he moved the cloth over her skin.

“Yvette.” It was the name she’d given Madame Dupont and Birgitte. The one she’d been using in the streets of France, so that no one could connect her with Miss Evangaline Stuart. Close enough to her own, she didn’t forget it and always looked up when someone said it.

“Yvette. Very pretty.” He put the cloth down and rolled her over. Evie went willingly enough, still curious what he was doing. Why he was remaining here instead of fleeing.

The sounds of the soldiers had disappeared, though she supposed there might still be some lingering, waiting for the man with the red cravat and blue flower, both now completely turned to ash. He should be safe enough if he left now.

Strangely, she was in no rush to boot him out the door.

When he began to undo the laces on her corset, she looked over her shoulder, raising her eyebrows. Her questioning look was met with a serious expression, his eyes still blazing hot, even though his lust should be quenched.

“We did things in a bit of a rush. I think it’s best I do not give the soldiers any reason to question me too closely or for anyone downstairs to remember what I was wearing earlier if I descend now.”
