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I let my proposition sink in, picturing Ava Jade’s face contorted with pain and pleasure as I tore her sweet cunt to shreds, as I made her scream…

I swallowed, leveling my stare on Corvus. “I might even share her,” I joked, smirking now. I liked this idea.

“If there’s anything left when you’re done with her,” Grey muttered, seeming wholly uninterested in this plan. I thought he’d be all for it. He was clearly into her. He spent the entire hour of homeroom staring at her back like he could will her to want him as much as he so obviously craved her.

I may not have been as attentive as Corvus, but people were easy to read. And Grey had always been an open book.

Corvus brooded silently as he considered my idea, shifting from foot to foot.

They wouldn’t blackmail her for sex, which really was a shame, but then again any of us could get that whenever and wherever we wanted. We hadn’t had a drudge in a while, though, and I was willing to bet the idea of controlling the uncontrollable wasrightup my brother’s alley.

“Awe come on, Brother,” I pushed. “You can’t tell me you aren’t at all interested. I see the way you’ve been watching her. I bet you’d like to have her play fetch for you.”

Corvus was more difficult to read than Grey, but his obsession was clear from the start, and it’d only gotten worse in the week that she’d been here.

His jaw tightened.

It seemed I’d misread him, too.

“Or maybe I’ve read you wrong,” I baited him. “If you aren’t interested at all then at least don’t spoil the fun for the rest of us.”

“She won’t go for it,” Grey warned, and I knew he was probably right. I had to admit, I’d be disappointed if she did.

I shrugged. “Didn’t know we were planning on giving her a choice.”

After another few seconds of thought, Corvus lifted his chin, fixing Grey with one of his rare expressions of support. “You good with this?” he asked. “Bri will shit a fucking brick.”

I grinned darkly to myself, knowing damn well she would. But she wouldn’t deny us if we told her not to breathe a word of what Ava did here tonight. If we told her to lie about what happened. Keep it hush. Grey would bear the burden of this call, though.

No more heiress pussy.

Andhe would be the one who had to deal with her hysterical ass when she realized that we’d chosen to protect this new girl over her. No matter the reason. Unlikely that he’d give her one anyway.

Grey nodded solemnly. “Bri was just a decent lay who happened to have connections we needed last summer. It should’ve ended a long time ago.”

He wasn’t fucking wrong there.

Corv and I had been telling him as much formonths.

I bristled with anticipation, waiting for Corvus to give the word.

His gaze slid back to me, calculating, trying to read my intent.

I gave him nothing.

“We’ll try it your way,” he decided, and I let a fresh smile slither over my lips. It was the closest thing to an admission we would get from Corv that he wanted the girl, too. At his beck and call. Submitting to his every whim. That’s how he liked them.

“Don’t look so smug,” he growled at me before turning to face Grey again. “Go find Bri before she calls the fucking cops.”

Unknown:I’ll admit I had my doubts you were the same girl I saw near the railway tracks years ago, but tonight those doubts were erased. You are perfect.

I read the message for what must’ve been the twentieth time since I woke up Saturday morning to see it staining my phone screen. And now, Monday morning, the feeling of dread still lingered.

Four years ago near the train tracks in Lennox, I went full dark.

It consumed me, and I let it.

Those repressed, terrifying,powerfulfeelings took the wheel...and I killed a man.
