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But I had a few little gems of info now that I didn’t before.

For instance, I now knew that Corvus was adopted from fuckingLennox.

That’s right.Myhometown.

I wasn’t the only one from the wrong side of the tracks.

I also knew that Grey was short for Greyson. Greyson Winters.

And that Rook was a nickname. His real name was Sawyer. Sawyer Clayton.

I wondered why none of them took Diesel’s surname when they were legally adopted. If that was their choice or Diesel’s?

It wasn’t enough though, none of it was really useful. None of it told mewhothey really were. What they’d done. What they’d been through. What made them tick.

I needed more. I needed something that I could use. Preferably before they were finished dealing with whatever it was they were dealing with and had the free time to harass me again.

After so many nights spent casing the Crow’s Nest from a safe distance, I’d found a path. I had it all mapped out in my head. Exactly which direction I would need to approach from, where I would need to step, and pause, to be able to get inside without the camera seeing me. If I could get my hands on a decent bug, I could plant it. I doubted they were very careful with what they said while at home.

After all, no one was foolish enough to fuck with them in Thorn Valley.

I was so absorbed with my own thoughts, trying to figure out where would be my best bet to find what I was looking for in this foreign townwithoutthe Crows finding out, that I almost didn’t see him.


His back stiffened, hand stilling on the door handle to the office.

I only had about a minute before my last class for the day started. “Hey,” I added when he didn’t turn around straight away. I carved through the other students in the atrium rushing to class. “You haven’t been in class.”

He hadn’t answered either of my texts this week, either, but I didn’t really care about that.

My thirsty punani did, but she could deal.

“Where have you—”

He spun around and whatever I’d been about to say ghosted my lips.

The way he was looking at me, and also not looking at me, spoke volumes. So did the angry purple bruise swelling his left eye almost completely shut.

I could see the anger in the tension around his still usable eye. The embarrassment in the pink of his cheeks. The discomfort in the shifty way his gaze moved over the atrium. And I knew.

“What did they say to you?” I demanded, all desire to fuck this cowardly jackass gone in the blink of an eye.

Josh shook his head, his jaw tightening. “Look, I’m just here to grab my shit. I’m transferring to LA.”

“Josh,” I hissed, leveling the full weight of my stare on him. “What. Did. They. Say?”

He recoiled from me slightly, surprise flitting over his eyes as he took me in in this new light.

The bell rang, signaling that I was now late, but I didn’t give a fuck. My muscles twitched, constricted beneath tight skin. So tight it made me itch. Made me sick.

“Fucking spit it out.”

“It was Corvus, all right,” he said, lowering his voice even though we were the only students still lingering in the atrium. “He...he warned me away from you. Told me I should leave.”

“And you just packed up and went like a good little sheepy?”

His brows lowered, lips pressing tightly together.
