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“Um, hello?” a small voice called from one of the stalls inside.

“Get out.” I snarled.

The girl was spurred into action, rushing from the stall with a furtive and fearful glance between Grey and me before she rushed out the door. I checked the other stalls, punching the doors open one by one until I was certain we were alone.

I locked the door and swallowed back the acid in my throat. Crossing my arms over my chest, I faced Grey, unable to trust I wouldn’t just haul off and deck him right in his stupid mouth.

“I thought I made myself clear,” I started, surprised at the level tone of my voice, now only edged with a sharp bite. “I am not something you fuckheads can own.”

Realization registered on his face and his self-righteous smirk morphed into a taut line.

“Watch your mouth,” he said, his upper lip curling. Though it wasn’t hostility I found when I met his heavy gaze. It was something else entirely.

Grey’s fists clenched and unclenched at his sides as he took me in, his broad chest heaving beneath the crisp white t-shirt he wore. His tatted biceps flexed, stretching the inked images.

“Or what?” I challenged. “Going to put me down like you did that guy last Thursday night? If you are, just get it over with. But I’m warning you now, I won’t go down without a damn good fight.”

A muscle jumped in his temple, and his fists uncurled. “There are a lot of things I want to do to you, Ava Jade,” he said, his voice dropping an octave, the sound of it making me squirm. “Killing you isn’t one of them.”

My breath caught in my throat.

Grey stepped forward, closing the gap between us, and I felt my own wetness like warm silk in my panties.

I didn’t move so much as an inch as he approached; to back away or go for a blade would be giving him too much credit. He wasn’t armed, at least not with a gun. I’d given him a thorough once over when I spotted him at the back of the classroom. I’d cased each step as he approached. He wasn’t packing. At least not anything but the hard angled shape in his back left pocket.

His cell phone.

His cell phone.

I suppressed a grin, biting my lower lip.

Grey stopped before me, standing nearly a full head taller. Inches of space between us. His dirty blond hair burned with strands of gold in the bright vanity lights over the bank of sinks at my back.

I jerked, twitching toward my blades as Grey took my jaw into his hand, his callused fingers rough against my skin. He studied my face as though he could read something hidden there. A secret code. A riddle to be solved.

“Who are you?” he asked on his next breath, his gaze narrowing as if he looked hard enough he might find the answer he was looking for. He’d asked me the same question that night in the woods. This time, I’d answer him.

“Someone you shouldn’t fuck with.”

I’d meant it to sound threatening, but it came out differently. My breath stuttering.

“Is that so?”

I swung my arm up to knock his hand away, my anger flaring again at his arrogance, but he caught my wrist instead, holding it there with a cruel smirk.

“Fuck you,” I spat, tugging the arm he had hostage, but his grip only tightened, drawing me into him. His scent engulfed me. So familiar. Like the forest just before dawn. When the air is thick with the smells of settling dew and damp earth. The stronger smell of engine oil was at war with it, giving the heady, soft aroma a bit of unusual bite.

A small sound escaped my lips, and my traitorous pussy throbbed beneath my jeans, aching at his nearness.

I could feel more than see his smile as he dropped his lips to my ear. “I dare you.”


I shoved him back and his hand snapped off my wrist. He stumbled back a step, surprise in his wide stare.

Grey grinned, recovering quickly and coming at me with renewed spite pinching the skin between his brows. He shoved me back, and I let him, catching myself on the bank of sinks, lips parting.

I didn’t even have time to catch my breath before he claimed my mouth, stealing whatever dregs of air remained in my lungs. His fingers twisted into my hair, securing me to him as he shoved me against the cool stainless steel. It bit into my lower back, and I clutched it until my fingers strained from the pressure, trying desperately to ward off the flutter taking over deep in my belly.
