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His merciless thrusts and rough circling of his thumb came impossibly faster, finger fucking me to within an inch of my life as Rook took the final swing.

I came hard on Corvus’ fingers as Conor Jones hit the mat and Rook was declared the winner to a roaring crowd. My blade hit the cement floor with a clatter as I rode the wave of my orgasm, my knees weak and shaking.

He withdrew his fingers, and I spun away, but his fist around my throat remained, and he pushed me to the wall, his mouth finding mine in a cruel, bruising kiss. His hard length pressing against my belly.

The sound of my own moan broke me free of the trance he had me in, and I chalked it up to low O2 levels.

I thrust my arm up and knocked his away, freeing my throat while I used my other to grip him and pull, twisting us untilhewas the one backed up against the wall with my forearm across his throat. Shock registered in his cold eyes for an instant before his gaze leveled out into a wicked sort of triumph.

I pushed hard against his windpipe as I shoved myself away, making him cough to clear the ache from his throat.

He laughed ominously to himself as I collected my blade from the floor and pulled my dress down to cover the evidence of what he’d just done. What I’d justallowedhim to do. My face turning a shade of red that I hoped the shadows concealed.

“Hope you got what you came for, Sparrow.”

“Go fuck a goat, Corvus.”

The bastard laughed some more as I pushed through the curtain and back out to the chaos of the main floor. I shoved my way through the throng of wealthy drunks to leave, feeling Rook’s eyes on me all the way to the exit.

I’m notsure what possessed me as I raced from the stage, heading straight for the cash room to smash my bloody fist on the door. Corvus was nowhere to be found, and Grey was right on my heels, barking at the crowd looking to congratulate me to step back.

I pounded harder, faster, until the lock disengaged and I shoved through, knocking the glasses off Jimmy’s face. “Rook? The fuck you—”

“Who’d she bet on?” I asked, as if Jimmy would fucking know. “The girl. The girl with the short dark hair and tight black dress.”

Jimmy’s eyes crinkled with confusion as he righted his glasses.

“Move,” I growled, shoving past him into the counting area, searching through the baskets of envelopes and cash on the table. Money spilled, and I could hear Grey shouting behind me, but I didn’t give a flying fuck. If I didn’t hurry, I wasn’t going to catch her.

I needed to know.

If she got into Sanctum, it meant she’d placed a bet.

She must’ve…

I flicked back to an envelope I’d just passed, yanking it out of thepaidbasket. It said AJ on the front. Ava Jade. It had to be hers. She bet seven thousand...onme.I opened it, a slow smile turning up one corner of my mouth, straining the cut there.

Christ.My cock twitched in my pants, hardening as I choked on a laugh and shoved back through Jimmy, only pausing when Grey stood in the doorway to block my exit. A snarl tearing from my mouth.

“What the fuck is going on over here?” I heard Diesel roar, and I clenched my teeth, staring down Grey as Diesel tried to shove through the crowd toward the cash room.

“Move, Grey.” I enunciated the words slowly as I leveled my stare on him. The blood dripping into my eyes stained my vision with a crimson tint, and my inner beast perked up like a bull.

Grey’s nostrils flared, but he moved, knowing there would be no stopping me. “Brother,” he said in a hard whisper as I passed, a warning in his voice to match the worried knot between his brows.

“I just want a minute,” I cut back at him. “Stall them.”

His jaw flexed as he looked away, and my neck heated, right eye twitching as I tore myself away from my brother and the cash room, launching myself up the stairs.

“Which way did she go?” I asked in a growl as I passed Diesel’s newest recruit, the bouncer whose name I could never remember.

I shoved through the door and glanced back to see the big oaf pointing down the street to the right. “That way,” he said. “Think she took a left on Churchill.”

I nodded and began to run, my ankle protesting each step from a rough kick by my opponent. The cool air licked at the sweat and blood still clinging to my skin, making the cut on my lip and the gash above my right brow sting.

An odd scent, like rotting limes, permeated the air, and my nose wrinkled as I rushed past it onto Churchill, slowing to a quiet jog. The street was silent as the grave. A few small shops clustered near the main street gave way to a residential area of apartment buildings and a few older homes. Most lights were snuffed out for the night, save for a small handful of oven lights and late-night TV screens.
