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It was time to trap some Crows.

The Rover chewedgravel as Grey pulled out of the driveway and bumped onto the road leading down past Briar Hall and into Thorn Valley. The tension in the front seat enough to form a physical weight on my chest. Meanwhile, Rook picked something out of his teeth with a switchblade in the back, lounging over the entire bank of seats like we were headed to a fucking picnic instead of a meet with our would-be enemies.

Sometimes I envied him. His ease in high-tension situations. He’d always been more at home in chaos than in calm. It was immobility, idleness, that was his kryptonite. My jaw flexed as I thumbed a quick message to Dies.

Corvus: On our way.

His reply was immediate.

Diesel: ETA 12.

We’d hang back if we looked like we’d arrive before him, better to pull in all together. And since Diesel refused to ride with us, this was the best we had. Dies would park near the old warehouse, but not right at it. Just in case anyone fucked with the Rover. Having two getaway vehicles wasn’t the worst idea, but I didn’t like the idea of him riding alone.

I wished he’d at least brought Pinkie or Cash. Or, hell, both of them, but I could understand the reason he didn’t, too. Diesel had control over his men, but vengeance could sometimes outweigh sense when push came to shove. I couldn’t say I wouldn’t go absolutely fucking feral if anything happened to my brothers or Diesel. Heads would roll. And I wouldn’t be waiting to find out for certain who was at fault and who wasn’t.

My back stiffened as the phantom scent of Ava Jade passed under my nose, my lips parting to taste it. I concealed a soft groan with a clearing of my throat as I shut my eyes, cock twitching in my jeans as last night’s encounter replayed in my mind. Fuck, she’d smelled so good. Fresh and soft like spring moss and sandalwood, but also sharp, like some kind of strong herb. A poison that lingered in my memory longer than anything else.


I shook my head, trying to dislodge the ghost of her from my thoughts. I needed to focus.

“Five minutes,” Grey warned as we turned off Freemont Street and onto Clove Drive, leaving Thorn Valley.

I polished off the last of my coffee, setting the metal mug down with a thud back into the cupholder.Still, the scent of her lingered, distracting me. Like a stain left branded on the inside of my skull.

The feel of her tight little cunt squeezing my fingers, hungry for me even though she tried so hard to fight it.

The moment she lost that fight.

Her expression as she came, her muscled body hard and soft in all the right places.

I didn’t sleep at all last night.

Not even for a fucking second.

I was afraid of what I’d see when I shut my eyes.

“Fuck,” I muttered, inching my window down for some fresh air. Praying it would wash away the stain of her long enough for me to focus onthis. On tonight.

“What’s eating you?” Rook asked from the backseat.

A snarl curled my upper lip. What was eating me? Rook had been smug as fuck since we left the Crow’s Nest, like he had a secret he was happy to keep all to himself. It made me wonder, not for the first time, what happened between him and Ava Jade in the street last night.

“We’re here,” Grey said.

I sat up straighter, squinting out into the gloom. The sleepy town was all but uninhabited these days, but here, just outside of it, it really was no man’s land.

An old industrial area that housed only rickety old buildings and warehouses left to desiccate on a pockmarked gray paved road. Grey rolled to a slow crawl up the street. The area we wanted was at the very end. Another half a mile up the road into the dark.

“Where’s Diesel?”

As if on cue, headlights bounded behind us, and I drew my weapon, finger on the safety. Rook did the same and Grey lifted his from the back of his pants to lie flat on his lap. We had a few higher-powered weapons already hidden strategically at the meet point. Just in case. But if their plan was to box us in on the road, this was all we had.

The uneven canter of my pulse steadied, settling into the focused rhythm of a hunter. My vision sharpened, and I blew out a slow breath, watching the approach of the car until I recognized the distinct shape of the headlights. Saw a flash of red paint.

“It’s him,” I said. “keep going.”

“Anything on cams?” Grey asked, and Rook tapped on a small tablet screen in the back, bringing up the feed of the area. It showed a view of the rear yard of the largest warehouse, where the meeting would take place. Diesel had the camera well hidden, and it hadn’t sent a notification of movement, so I had to assume the Aces hadn’t arrived yet.
