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I didn’t doubt if I stepped one foot out the door of the classroom that somebody would be sending Corvus my movements. I’d already caught two seniors watching me. Guys who looked like they might be on their way to roles in the gang for themselves someday, if they made it through the trials.

If Diesel even deemed them worthy enough to take them.

I could get away though. I knew I could.

But did I want to?

Did I want to risk having to spend the rest of my life, or at the very least, the next several years running? Constantly checking the rearview? Only to possibly be dead before I could even hit legal drinking age?

Fuck. That.

They said there was no way out of this for me, but I knew of at least one. If I took them all down, then they couldn’t own me. I could trade their secrets for my freedom. Ruin them from the inside.

I had one card left to play, and it was nestled safely behind a wooden board in a dark and cobweb infested nook in my closet. Officer Vick would be happy to help me if I decided to take him up on his offer.

My phone buzzed audibly in my pocket a few minutes before the end of the last class of the day, and I clenched my teeth, glancing up from my blank worksheets to the teacher.

Mr. William’s gaze met mine for an instant before he looked away, ignoring the sound.


I drew out my phone in full view, curious now.

A text flashed over the screen.

Dick Face: Grey will be outside your class waiting for you. Don’t make this hard.

I rolled my eyes, not bothering to reply before slipping the phone back into my pocket.

Mr. William met my gaze again, his lips pursing before he went back to reading his book.

Not a coincidence then.

He really wasn’t going to take my phone or even reprimand me.

Perks of forced proximity with the infamous Crows.

I’d take it.

I’d take it all.

I stuffed my blank pages in the textbook as the bell rang and made a beeline for the door, eager to get back to my room before Grey could escort me there. I didn’t need to cement it in people’s minds that they owned me. Corvus already did a good job of making them all think that without my help.

“AJ,” Grey said as I breezed through the door, making me grind to a halt, a tremor of annoyance zipping down my arms, making my fists clench.

“Oh good,” I said on a breath, not letting my frustration show. “You’re here. Right on schedule. We’re going for a run.”


“A. Run,”I enunciated, giving him a dubious look. “You know, like walking but faster.”

“I’m starving. I thought maybe we could—”

“You thought wrong. We’ll eat after. Hope you have some better shoes with you.”

I glanced down at his brown leather boots, the tongue flapping out, laces loose. He’d never be able to keep up in those. Not that I cared. I needed to run. Now. Before I exploded with all this pent-up energy and rage. If Grey didn’t want to be in the blast radius, then he’d better shut up and go along with it.

Grey opened his mouth to argue, but shut it again instead, pressing his lips together as he swept a sarcastic arm toward the hall. “Fine. Let’s go for a run. Lead the way.”
