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She screamed, and I fired two shots at the shadows. I didn’t think either hit, I was a shit shot, but the deafening sounds were enough to stop them.

“Touch that fucking rack again and I’ll kill him,” I hissed, aiming the gun lower, level with Diesel’s head.

“Boss?” one of them called.

“It’s all right, lads,” Diesel called in reply, his voice strained as his blood pooled around his ankle on the cement floor.

I found where the chain was connected to a metal beam against the wall and edged toward it, keeping one eye and the gun on Diesel while I freed the chain.

“Becca,” I called. “Can you climb down?”

“My hands!” she cried, a hitch in her voice.

“It’s just zip ties,” I said, assuming they used the same thing they used to bind my hands for the hunt trial. “Pull your wrists apart to put tension on them and then reach your arms back as far as you can.”


“Okay now as hard and fast as you can, pull in toward your body and apart. It’ll hurt, but it should break them apart.”

She grunted. “It didn’t work!”

“It’s okay, babe. Try again. You got this.”

Two more grunts, and I heard the satisfyingsnapof the plastic.

“I did it!”

“I knew you could. Now just climb down.”

“You’re making a mistake,” Diesel said, seemingly unfazed by this entire ordeal. He just kneeled there, grim, and angry on the cement floor, eyeing me.

I gritted my teeth, so angry I wanted to beat him to death with his own fucking gun. “No.” I seethed. “Youmade a mistake. She’s an innocent girl whose mother you stole. She was played. Manipulated. And tonight she almost died because of you.”

“She was feeding an Ace intel on mysons.”

“So, what? You thought, hey, two birds one stone? Your men could’ve swarmed me all at once but they didn’t. Youwantedme to save her, so that I would fail the trial. So that you could turn around and kill us both.”

He didn’t deny it and that only made me even angrier.

But even I wasn’t stupid enough to think that I could kill Diesel St. Crow and get away with it. If I shot him, his men would shoot me. They’d kill Becca, too. I needed to get us out of here.Now.

The pallet rack squeaked and trembled as Becca made her way slowly down, holding onto the rusted metal for dear life until she was back on solid ground. She sighed when her feet connected with the concrete, but when she saw the Saints on the other side of the rack, she squealed and raced to my side, putting herself behind me.

“I really wasn’t going to tell him anything,” Becca said to Diesel. “I swear I wasn’t. I was just—”

“You don’t have to explain yourself to him,” I snapped, cutting off whatever Becca had been about to say next. “You owe him nothing.”

She fell quiet, and I saw her chin quiver in my periphery as she held back the urge to cry. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “This is all my fault. I should’ve told you about him from the very start.”

As if she was blaming herself right now. She and I were going to have a good long chat, just as soon as I got her out of here. “Come on, Becca. We’re leaving.”

I glanced toward the two goons still waiting in the shadows. “And ifanyonetries to follow us, Iwillkill them.”

We backed out through the rear exit, and I kept Becca tight to my side as we made our way to the front. To the Rover I hoped would still fucking start after what I’d put it through.

“Stay close to me,” I reminded Becca, and she rushed to keep up as we stepped onto the road. Headlights flared on the road and the roar of an engine had me picking up the pace, grabbing Becca around the wrist with my blade hand.

She winced when I accidentally nicked her but she didn’t pull away, letting me guide her to the Rover. “Get in!”
