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Grey stiffened. “Allof us?” he asked. “What about her?”

He jabbed a thumb in my direction, and I tried not to let the heat of my anger rise. I hated when they talked about me like I wasn’t even here. Like I was cargo. An obstacle. Like I didn’t have a choice.

Corvus’ cold blue eyes slid to me and then away. “She’s with us. Diesel wants all three of us on the job.”

“And he wants us to bring her?” Grey challenged, a doubtful note of sarcasm in his tone.

Corvus visibly tensed, annoyance in the knot between his brows. “He offered for us to drop her off at Sanctum with him,” he all but growled, watching Grey carefully for his reaction.

“That’s what I thought,” he continued. “So, she’s with us. When we’re close, we’ll blindfold her. And she can wait in the car.”

“Could you all stop talking about me like I’m not right fucking here?”

“Problem, Sparrow?”

“Yeah, actually. I have plans tonight.”

“Cancel them,” Corvus bit out, a muscle flexing in his jaw. “And in the future you might want to check with me first before makingplans.”


Rook laughed, his teeth pulling lightly on his lip ring as he watched me. “Come on, Ghost,” he said. “I’ll buy you an ice cream.”


Corvus turned to raise a brow at him but said nothing.

“Better be one hell of an ice cream,” I sighed. “I’m missing movie night for this shit.”

“Trust me,” Rook replied, a gleam in his dark eyes. “It’ll be worth it.”

I drew out my phone and ignored the newest text from Aunt Humphrey while thumbing a quick text to Becca, telling her I was sorry but I didn’t know when I’d be back.

I could put my foot down. Refuse to go. But I figured that was exactly what Corvus wanted. He’d fucking love that. An opportunity to flex his control muscles. To try to throw me over his shoulder again, kicking and screaming through the halls of the academy as he dragged me to their car.

I wouldn’t give it to him.

Besides, this was exactly the sort of intel I’d need to be able to bring them down. And ice cream was just the cherry on top of the pie.

Corvus jammed the elevator button again and stepped in as the doors re-opened, Rook following, and Grey ushering me in behind them.

“Get those handles replaced?” I asked innocently, breaking the silence on the slow descent to the main floor, basking in my triumph for the first time. God, it felt good.

The air in the elevator seemed to heat in the split second before Corvus replied.

“No,” he growled. “They wereimports.”

“We have another two weeks of our new open-door policy before they’ll arrive,” Rook put in, looking nearly as smug as I felt, until his dark gaze fell back to Corvus and his smirk faded.

“Too bad,” I sighed, turning back to face the doors, injecting some drama into the words.

Thepingof the elevator rang like a dinner bell in the hot silence, and I was dragged backward as the door opened, the fist in the back of my shirt tossing me against the wall. The air knocked from my lungs as Corvus pressed me there, his forearm a bar against my throat. But I was ready for him this time, my blade pressed firmly against his side, just below the ribs, angled up.

Unbothered by the blade, he pressed against my throat, his blue eyes burning with the heat of a thousand suns. The red veins bright as fresh blood against the whites.

“You think this is fucking funny?” he demanded. “Hmm?”

“Actually, yeah,” I spat back, my voice strained from his arm. “I do.”
