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We didn’t kill our own.

They should’ve known better.

They should’ve knownmebetter.

I hurt women, sure, but only the ones who wanted to be hurt. They knew the risk. Theylikedthe risk. Just because that one almost bled out last year didn’t mean I would push it that far with Ava Jade. I wouldn’t.

Would I?

I pasted on a smirk. “Don’t worry, Brother,” I crooned. “Her pretty face will be just as you left it when you get home.”

...though I couldn’t say the same for her pussy.

He nodded, his throat bobbing as he shifted gears into reverse and turned the Rover ’round. I watched the red taillights bob over the gravel drive for a moment before looking away.

Ava Jade waited in the doorway, her arms crossed over her chest. She lifted a brow. “What was that about?”

I stalked toward her, and she shifted to one side, letting me pass to unlock the front door. At least she’d left that handle and the one to the back door alone. I stepped inside, and she followed, kicking off her shoes and trailing me into the kitchen.

“I asked you a question,” she pressed as I pulled two glasses down from a cupboard and poured two whiskeys, one shorter than the other. She took the fuller one before I could hand her the one with less and I smirked.

Too slow...

“My brothers worry too much.”

“About you?”

“About other things.”

“ShouldIbe worried?” she asked, leaning against the counter by the stove to sip her whiskey, her lips tightening in a slight grimace at the taste, though it didn’t stop her from taking another sip. A larger one.

I didn’t answer her, downing my whiskey in one gulp to pour another.

She took my non-reply for what it was: the uncertain truth.

I couldn’t tell her one way or the other if she should be worried. Tonight? No.

In the future? Possibly.

There were too many factors.

Too many nights I didn’t remember, where I woke up covered in red.

But that was before I got clean. Now, I remembered my kills. Now, I have more control.

More than my brothers thought I had.

“They should trust you more,” she said after a few minutes spent in easy silence, sipping whiskey. “You’re family. Their brother. Family means trust. Or, at least it should.”

Her face darkened and I felt something in me darken at the sight. Sea-glass eyes fell to the floor, shifting as her fingers clenched her glass a little tighter than they had a moment before that.

“Who hurt you?” I asked, the words evicted from the dark place inside. The decision to speak them wholly unconscious.

Ava Jade looked up, her lips parted, then closed. She cleared her throat. “No one.”

She kicked at the floor and then grinned. “Do you want to fuck with them?”

“What? Who?”
