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We’re all going to sit and have a nice little chat about this fuckerytomorrow.

“I’m going to bed,” she announced, grabbing a threadbare white t-shirt from the shelf of the closet outside the bathroom and tossing it on her bed before snatching up a throw blanket that was haphazardly draped over the top of her purple covers.

“Here,” she said, pushing it into my hands.

“You going to make me sleep on the floor?”

“You can if you want to,” she replied sweetly. “But I’m not going anywhere. Take the couch. You’ll be more comfortable.”

Her words didn’t match the lack of sincerity in her tone. I saw this for what it really was. Her walls were finally starting to come down, and she didn’t know how to handle it. So, like the Ava Jade we knew, she was going to fight it with everything she had.

It was a fight she’d lose.

“Did I do something?” I asked. “Because as far as I could tell, you thoroughly enjoyed yourself the other night.”

“I don’t sleep with other people.”

“Good. Apparently, I don’t, either.”

Her nose wrinkled at that, confused at the dual meaning.

“No. I meant that I don’tsleepwith other people as in; I can’t sleep when there’s someone in bed next to me.”

“You did just fine in my bed.”

She opened her mouth to reply, shut it, and seethed. “That was different.”

“Was it?” I challenged, brushing past as I left her bedroom. “Sleep well, Ghost. Maybe if you’re lucky, I’ll be the one haunting your dreams tonight.”

A cute growl preceded the slam of her door behind me, and I laughed to myself, not bothering to try to hide the sound.

Becca stared at me from the kitchen, pausing after she finished filling herself a glass of water.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing,” she muttered, shaking her head as she walked to her own bedroom, but I caught her gaze fall to my cock beneath my jeans, and I knew why she was staring. Looking for the outline of my stainless-steelaccessories.

Ava Jade told her. I wondered what she said. I glanced back at Ava Jade’s door and smirked, mindlessly grabbing the pack of cigarettes from my back pocket.

“Could you, um,notsmoke that in here?”

I blinked, coming back to myself before I could tug a smoke from the packet to find Becca hesitating in her doorway.

“I hate the smell.”

“You smoke pot in here.”

“That’s different.”

I raised my brows, and she dropped her gaze, clearing her throat as she closed herself into her bedroom. She wouldn’t push the matter, but I would never hear the end of it from Ava Jade.

She said she wasn’t going anywhere. Guess now was as good a time as any to test that. Corvus had left her to her own devices for hours yesterday, and she hadn’t run, what was another hour? I could use the fresh air. It was late, but after hearing those messages, I wasn’t fucking tired.

For once, I might get a taste of what it was like for Corvus. Exhausted but unable to shut my eyes.

I ditched the blanket on the couch and slipped a finger under the collar of my leather jacket hung on the back of a stool in the kitchen and shrugged it on. My teeth clenched as I wrapped my fist around the door handle, hesitating to leave.
