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In the cafeteria, a chair scraped back from a table, and I heard Grey shout.

“You fucking heard her,” someone yelled and I turned to find Brianna fucking Moore on the bottom of the stairs. “Put your goddamn phones down.”

She knocked two phones from the hands of the students nearest to her.

From the corner of my eye, I saw movement and a face flashed clear in the daylight before it vanished around the corner of the west hall.

A face I recognized.

I drew a blade, and the students around me all screamed like little bitches, falling back, their phones suddenly forgotten in the face of something far more interesting: a girl on the edge of her fucking rope.

“Hey!” I bellowed after the King, giving chase as I sped through the atrium and down the hall, catching the flip of his jacket as he pushed through the exit doors at the end and went outside.

“AJ!” I heard Grey shout somewhere behind me, but I wasn’t stopping.

It was him.

That creepy fucker from fight night. I was sure of it. Why lurk around the corner watching like that if he had nothing to do with it.

Why run?




“It’s him!” I called back over my shoulder before I shoved through the heavy metal doors, bursting into the humid morning, squinting as the sun stabbed into my eyes.

I raced forward, lifting a hand to shield my eyes as I scanned the front lot for him, seeing nothing.

“Hey!” I screamed, rushing ahead to vault over the low hedges in front of the parking lot. “Come out, you fucking coward!”

I dropped to my knees and bent low, peering under the vehicles in the parking lot, searching for feet, for movement, for anything.

“AJ,” Grey shouted from behind me as I rose back to my feet, storming around an SUV to peer into the bed of a truck.

Grey caught up to me, his gun at the end of his extended hands, aimed low as he looked over all the cars. “Where is he?”

I growled my frustration, my skin tingling with rage. “I fucking lost him.”

I kicked the nearest tire, kicked it again. Again.


“Hey,” Grey said, brushing a soothing hand down my back, but I didn’t want to be soothed right now. I wanted fucking blood. I shrugged him off, putting my hands to my hips as I paced the narrow space between two cars, my chest and back slick with cold sweat, my head spinning from the aftereffects of too much adrenaline and not enough fuel in the fucking tank.

“We’ll find him, AJ,” Grey promised as I hunched over, hands braced on knees to pinch my eyes closed, trying to clear the spots from my vision. “But right now we need to get to the Nest.”

“What?” I asked, and the reality of what’d happened before I saw the King fleeing the scene of his crime hit me. “Corvus.”

Grey nodded gravely. “He took off.”

My heart squeezed. “Alone?”

His jaw locked. “Rook went after him, but Corvus is faster than any of us. He looked like he was heading for the Nest though, so…”

I took one last long look over the cars in the parking lot, praying for even the slightest indication that the fucker was still here, but I really had lost him. He was gone.
