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“I know.”

“That’s some twisted shit, man,” Rook said. “Even by my standards.”

I laughed hollowly.

“Doesn’t change how we see you,” Grey interjected. “Not at all. You could’ve told us.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, sniffing, using the pads of my thumb and forefinger to clear the beginning of tears from my ducts before they could show on the rims of my eyes. “Yeah. I know. I just—”

“Wasn’t ready?” Ava Jade supplemented, sighing, and I got the sense she understood more than she was letting on. I wondered if she’d ever share with us her own defining moment. The thing that twisted her beyond repair. Turned her into something powerful. A force of nature.

“I guess.”

Her bright eyes cut away from me, finding a spot on the carpet. “Are you going to be okay? I mean. Do you want to stay home again today?”

I shook my head. “Nah. I don’t give a fuck what any of them think.”

“If anyone so much as looks at you funny, I’ll cut them,” Rook promised.

“Samesies,” Ava Jade echoed, putting on a smile for my benefit. “You should eat. And maybe shower.”

“That bad?” I asked, pinching the front of my shirt to sniff down the collar. Recoiling.

“Kinda,” she replied with a wince, her hand finding my thigh to give it a tight squeeze before she considered her own state of affairs, lifting her fingers to the messy bun deflated against the top of her head. “Want company? My hair’s fucking tragic.”

“On that note,” Grey said, pushing off from his chair. “I’m going to go check in with Dies about their missing King and then get back to trying to trace that email.”

“You could come, too,” Ava Jade offered, and Grey hesitated before his jaw flexed.

I tried not to get my back up at the idea of Ava Jade naked between us, water cascading down her breasts, filtering down her legs. His hands on her wet skin. The idea made my stomach tighten, but it was less repulsive than it had been a few days ago.

“Shower’s too small,” I said.

Grey and I shared a look before he winked at Ava Jade. “Next time, AJ.”
