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“I don’t have the patience,” Rook admitted. “Who wants to sit on some perch half a fucking mile away from the all the fun, waiting for the perfect shot.”

“Not you?” AJ asked, her tone dripping sarcasm.

“No, Ghost. Not me.”

“If we climb up onto the roof of the shed, we should be able to get a good line of sight down the field,” I said, pointing toward the barn and the smashed up Volvo we’d parked up beside it. “I’ll grab a can of paint. We can put a few targets on the high jump.”

“You don’t need us then?” Corvus said, a tick in his upper lip as he read something on his phone.

I frowned.

He indicated the phone in his hand. “Dies. Wants two of us to deal with another client upstairs at Sanctum. He and the others are busy keeping tabs on the Aces.”

“It’s three in the afternoon,” AJ protested.

“What?” I asked. “Is three too early to get laid? I didn’t know a good fuck had time constraints.”

She rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, we’re good,” I told Corv, gaze tracking to Rook, who looked torn between staying and going. Not wanting to leave AJ’s side and needing to vent some of his pent up rage before he exploded. “Go,” I added, jerking my head for Rook to follow Corv. “We’ll be here when you get back.”

He nodded, rolling his shoulders back with a sneer as he left.

“So,” AJ singsonged, the happiest I’d seen her since yesterday morning. “Show me the big gun?”

I laughed. “Let’s paint the targets first, and then I’ll show you the big gun.”

She made a little growly sound that went straight to my cock, biting her lower lip as she brushed past me, heading for the shed. I grabbed my sketchpad from the stump next to me and followed her, tucking the graphite pencil behind my ear.

I’d promised Max I’d come up with a few new merch designs by next week and with everything going on, I hadn’t had the time to even start.

* * *

“Just like I showed you,”I whispered, lying next to AJ on the uneven roof of the shed, binoculars pressed to my eyes, watching the three ringed target dripping red a quarter mile downfield. “Don’t hold your breath. Breathe evenly. Fire on the exhale. Slow.”

She hesitated another moment before firing, and I had the satisfaction of watching the bullet crack into the wood of the jump just a few inches outside the widest ring.

AJ grinned, readying another shot, licking her lips.

I said nothing, smirking at her focus face as she leveled her left eye with the sight. It was the best focus face.

She readjusted her position, just slightly, pinkie up to feel the breeze, and fired again.

I was almost too slow to press the binoculars to my eyes, catching only the little burst of wood where her bullet buried itself into the red line of the second inner ring.

“Damn,” I said on a breath, pulling the binoculars down, twisting to face her. “Was that really only your second shot?”

She peered at me over the barrel, a Cheshire smile on her mouth.

I reached over and shoved the gun, messing up her aim.


“I have to know if it’s beginner’s luck. Start again.”

She groaned wordlessly to herself, but did as I said, finding the correct position all over again, feeling out the wind.

This time her bullet sank into the target just an inch outside of where my bullet went in when I was showing her how to shoot, grazing the inner ring of the target.
