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“Okay,so I know this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but—”

“How the fuck did this get out, Max?” I growled down the line, pacing the floor of my bedroom, trying not to lose my fucking mind. My thoughts already racing through every possibility. Everything that would be completely fucked now that this was out. Whether there was a way to claw it back. Make it go away before it was too late.

“We’re looking into it, but it looks like it was leaked by a blogger.”

“Someone we know?”

“No. It’s a ghost account. No posts before this one. Are you near a computer?”

I went to my desk and punched the power button on my monitor, but couldn’t bring myself to sit. “Yeah.”

“’Kay, the first post was made as a comment on that forum, oh shit, what’s it called, um…”


“Oh right, the ‘music is my medicine’ one. You know where they have all those fan theories about your identity and—”

“Yeah. I’m there,” I said, the website coming up on the monitor. “Where is it?”

“It should be at the top of the forum page. It has about twenty-thousand comments on it now.”

The post at the top of the forum was titled Who is the Bone Man?

It was made by a user months ago and had a shit-ton of people following it, but I was looking for one particular user. The one who somehow figured out who I was. If I could find them, trace them, then I could have them take this shit back.

Maybe Grey could…

“Do you see it?” Max asked on the other end of the line as my fingers hovered over the mouse, re-reading the user name who’d posted not one but five comments on the post. Images. Facial mapping comparisons. Street cam footage of me getting off my bike and entering backstage at the Lodi show. And a signed NDA. The one I made Maxine sign when she expressed interest in managing me.

It was irrefutable.

“You see the blogger tag?”

I did, but I was still trying to process it. Knowing what it meant, but not wanting it to be true.


The final comment uploaded at 11:25am this morning was signed off with a simple moniker. Anonymous.

The monitor cord ripped from the wall with a snap, sparks flying from the outlet as I chucked it against the wall. The sharp edge of it embedding in the drywall so it stayed there, half in the wall and half out of it like a demented form of artwork.

It brought me no fucking relief as I fought to level out my breathing, my skin cold and coated in an icy sweat.

Somewhere in the room, Maxine was calling to me, her voice broken by dead sound. I fell into the chair at my desk and lifted my phone from the floor, seeing a new call coming in on the screen. The one I’d been dreading since this afternoon.


“Corvus?” Maxine shouted. “Are you there, is everything—”

I ended the call with Max and answered the one from my father, inhaling shakily through my nose.


A heavy silence filled the other end of the call before Diesel finally replied. “It seems you’ve been keeping secrets from me, Son.”

He let the statement hang between us for a moment, maybe expecting me to fill the void for him, but I couldn’t. I didn’t have time to plan a response. Better not to speak at all.

“I’ll be expecting you at the house in the next thirty minutes.”
