Page 13 of Entwined Souls

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“We never got to exchange those numbers, you were too busy bruising my shin.”

“Oh shush, give me your phone.” I handed it to her and she texted herself from my cell so I had her number. I planned on getting a hold of her to make more solid plans, but I also hoped to talk to her throughout the week.

“I will give you a call and we can pick a time. Does that sound good?”

She said yes and we finished walking the short distance to the front of her building. Leaning over I planted a light kiss on her cheek, lingering a minute longer to take in her fruity scent. It had filled her hospital room and for weeks I’d wanted to smell her again. Cherries, she smelled like cherries, and the desire to lick every inch of her skin was strong. I knew she would taste as sweet as she smelled.

A soft, dreamy, but shocked look was shining in her eyes. I didn’t want to scare the poor girl and another part of my body was about to stand tall for the second time that day. I’d been aroused as hell, so I told her bye and that I’d talk to her soon. She mumbled a quiet goodbye and headed back into work.

It was Tuesday and I had multiple days before Saturday would arrive. I already missed being around her the moment she walked away.

Braxton, you're in deep shit.

Chapter Nine


Wow,it had been a day. Being back at work, seeing Braxton, a stop at the hospital to check in with the little ones getting chemo, and now I was finally home. It was great to be back to my life, plus I had the added bonus of Braxton being part of it. At least I think he was. He was Alley’s brother so he would always be. The question was would he be for a very different reason? I was scared to death and exhilarated at the same time.

Stepping into the shower, my thoughts continued to wander to the delicious man consuming my every thought. I had been on my own a long time and had only been with one guy, but that wasn’t to say I didn’t have experience making sure I felt good over the years. No shame in that right? This was different though. I had a real man front and center in my mind as my hand slowly slid down my stomach finding its way to my most sensitive area and I stroked myself until pleasure rocked my body to its core and his name broke free from my trembling lips.


As I got dried off and changed into my comfy cotton lounge pants that were cream with peach-colored roses on them, and my peach tank top that matched, I couldn’t help but feel the effects of the aftermath of energy racing through my body. It was because of him, it was all Braxton. But if he’d been there with me in the flesh, that would’ve been a game-changer. I wasn’t sure if that time would ever come, and I knew I’d be nervous and unsure I could live up to what he may be used to. Which left me riddled with doubt. But I still wouldn’t let the moment pass me by if it should arise.

Padding down the hall in my bare feet towards the kitchen, I smelled something wonderful in the air. As I rounded the corner, I was greeted by two of the best people in the world, and a table full of our favorite Chinese food. Both Summer and Alley gave me big smiles and a funny look. What the heck was that about?

Summer chimed in first. “Well, well, well, someone looks awfully pleased at the moment, want to tell your besties about it?”

“Really, you can’t tell anything, I just walked in the room?”

“Jurnee, we know you well, so spill. The dreamy, satisfied look on your face and cheeks tinted the color of your tank top, is a dead giveaway. Like I said, someone is pleased.”

“Girl, you’re crazy,” I told Summer.

That’s when Alley of course felt like she needed to add her two cents because that’s how we rolled.

“Just spit it out girl, what did my brother do? You can leave your personal shower-time out of the story.”

Anything could have happened and yet she’d zeroed in on her brother. I’m not even addressing her shower time comment.Am I that obvious? I need to work on my poker face for sure.Shit, I couldn’t hide anything from these two, especially Alley. Not that I tried, but they could read me before I even had a chance to tell them on my own and it was nuts.

“What makes you think it’s about your brother? Maybe I just had a good day going back to my normal routine and the things I love.”

“Girl, we know you adore what you do and how much it means, but that look has my brother's name written all over your face. So just clue us into what went down today while we shovel this amazing food in our mouths. I’m starving.”

Alley was always hungry. The amount of food that girl could put away and still have the figure she did was baffling. Not having a clue where she put it all, it was always fun to watch her.

“Fine, Braxton came intoHopeful Jurneetoday. He wanted to see how I was doing, look around the place, and talk, okay?”

“And?” they both drawled in unison.

“And what?”

“There is a lot more to it than that, or do we have to remind you of your expression when you walked in here a few moments ago?” Summer said with a grin.

“Okay, geez. He took me to lunch and asked if I wanted to go out this weekend. Maybe to dance, but I’m not ready.” With that said, I noticed both my girls’ eyes soften because they knew I was still mentally struggling a bit with everything that had gone down. They worried about me like mother hens, but I knew I would be okay eventually.

“Maybe we can all still do something else, right?” I asked. I know Braxton asked to take me out, but he’d surely not say no if I’d asked for the others to join in. I guess if I was being honest, I was using them as a crutch because Lord I was scared. But they both explained how they had to work. Summer was on night shift all weekend at the hospital and Alley had a deadline for her new book. Looked like I was going to have to put on my big girl panties and do it on my own.
