Page 24 of Entwined Souls

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“Sounds like a plan,” Summer said. “Let's head on over there.”

Tossing our trash in the nearby trash can, we collected our bags of stuff we bought and headed to the car. When we arrived at Voodoo, we’d had a hard time, as usual, finding a parking spot, but then we got lucky and someone pulled out of one after we had circled many times. Walking into the small shop, we scanned the selection.

Looking over at Summer, I winked. She returned the gesture with a thumbs up. We loved giving Alley shit every time we dropped by the world-famous bakery because her favorite donut was the most outrageous one the store offered and funny as hell.

“Hey Alley, you gonna grab your favorite, Cock and Balls?” I voiced rather loudly. Summer covered her mouth, trying her best to hold in her laughter, but mine just came bursting out.

“Aren’t you a funny girl?” she commented back. “But you know I am, that’s my favorite.”

We all picked out one we wanted to eat and grabbed a few more to go. Summer was munching on her Bacon Maple Bar, the girl loved her bacon. Alley was devouring her Cock and Balls, a donut totally shaped just like it sounded, triple filled with Bavarian cream and topped with chocolate frosting.The teasing she just got from Summer and me when she has cream dripping out the side of her mouth, is hilarious.I got the Brainiac, which was a donut topped with strawberry frosting, lemonade dust, and sprinkled with Nerd candies. Stuffing our faces with our sugary treats, we headed back to our vehicle, finished eating, and then started toward home.

As we walked into the house, I couldn’t help but think how many memories we had shared here over the years together. I love these girls. “Hey you two, what do you say we put on our PJ’s, pop Clueless into the Blue-ray player, and end the night together watching a movie just like old times?” I hadn’t been quite ready for our day together to end, and they were happy to keep it going too.

We all had gone to our rooms to change, and just as I entered mine, my phone beeped with a text. My heart beat a bit faster, hoping it was Braxton. He had texted me last night after our date, this morning when he’d got up too, but since he knew I was spending the day with the girls the phone had been radio silent. Looking down at my screen, a smile had lit up my face.

Chapter Sixteen


I couldn’t waitanother fucking day. But I had to. Not being able to touch her, smell her sweetness, look into her beautiful brown eyes, or kiss her tender lips was killing me slowly. It had been many days since I’d been in her presence, but the wait was almost over.Tomorrow can’t get here soon enough.

Chapter Seventeen


It wasThursday and the week had been hectic at the center for me and so crazy busy for Braxton atNo Surrenderthat we hadn’t seen each other since our date. He did say he couldn’t wait to see me again and that made me do another one of my famous happy dances. This time though, I quite literally had done a little jig in my bedroom and probably looked like a fool and total spaz, but hey, nobody was watching. We may not have been able to spend time together, but we had texted and talked every day. It was an odd, but welcome, change in my life. I wasn’t used to having someone like Braxton taking up my thoughts or leaving me in anticipation of our conversations to come. Thankfully, my dry spell of not seeing him was about to end.

Braxton had mentioned the week before that he wanted to take a peek at the security atHopeful Jurneesince Embry’s dad had come in last week and caused a scene. This type of thing was part of what his business specialized in, but they also did so much more. I was hoping we could talk more about our lives, past and present, soon. Since Summer was here today volunteering, as both my girls did when they could, I had the extra hands-on deck and would have time to take a break if he needed me. Braxton still planned on doing his volunteer day, per our bet as soon as his schedule allowed.

I sucked in a huge gulp of air when Braxton walked in. If I ever used the word cute back in our school days, that was pretty lame compared to the words I would use right now. Fitted jeans hung low on his sexy hips, hugging his muscular thighs, a light blue tee stretched across his impressive chest, and with a pair of colorful Nikes on his feet, the man looked casual and sexy as hell at the same time. The air in the room changed the moment he walked in, making it harder to breathe. It probably didn’t help that he wasn’t alone, because the man next to him was a sight as well.

“Hey Jurnee, what—” Summer’s words stopped short when she came up beside me. Guess she was as affected as I was, but I thought it may have been for the man standing beside Braxton with his cane in hand.

“Cat got your tongue?” I asked her, chuckling.


She didn’t manage more than that, and I couldn’t help but laugh again as I elbowed her to get her attention.

And here I thought I was bad.

Before I had time to snap my girl out of it, the guys were already in front of us. Summer was sweet, but she was never at a loss for words. She and Alley had that in common. But right now, this quiet, almost shy girl, was not like Summer at all, and it was kinda amusing to watch. It looked like I now had something to tease her about.Turnabout is fair play, after all.She always gave me shit and thought it was hilarious. Guess it was my turn, but I would save it for later.

“Hey,” Braxton said, walking up. He seemed so calm while I was about to explode from nerves and full-blown excitement. I swear something was wrong with me and I needed to cool my jets. They were wound up and ready for takeoff.

Probably to the nearest bathroom knowing me.

“Hi,” I managed with a tentative smile. To my surprise right in front of everyone, Braxton leaned in and gave me a light kiss on the lips before moving back into his personal space. I think he was watching me to see how I would react. I was stunned speechless and had only managed to get out the one word so far as it was. Getting myself together, because I really needed to, I pulled in a deep breath and grinned a little bigger. “You came, I’m glad you're here.”It was the truth too.

“I said I would be, did you ever doubt me?” Braxton asked with a wink. Damn, I loved when he did that. It got my heart thumping faster, that’s for sure. I knew he was teasing me, so I didn’t think I needed to answer. His eyes moved away from mine to his friend. “Gyth, you remember Jurnee and Summer, right?”

“Of course, ladies. How are you both doing?” Gyth's voice was low and strong, it fits him well. It also left no doubt that he was a man you didn’t mess with, along with one who could probably make a girl do just about anything.

Not me though. I only had eyes for one person, and they were glued to him right now. Braxton was also watching me with a heated look that made me want to grab him and run to the nearest broom closet so we could play tonsil hockey.

I never did get to do much of that when I was younger, but right now it sounds pretty darn good.

“I’m doing pretty well, thanks,” I answered, looking in Summer’s direction. Her eyes were full of curiosity. Maybe it was just the nurse in her, looking at an injured man. Summer cared a lot about people and always wanted to help, but it also looked like interest. The kind of interest a woman had in a man she's attracted to. She seemed to come back to her usual self then and responded.
