Page 25 of Entwined Souls

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“I’m great, how are you?” she asked, in that chipper, Summer tone we all loved so much. She always had a way of making everyone smile when she talked; her energy and love for people always shined through. Looked like she had the same effect on Gyth because he was grinning from ear to ear. This big beast of a man looked like she could melt him into a puddle.

“Even better now,” he responded.

Wow, the temperature in this place just went up a few notches. Clearing my throat, I asked Braxton what he wanted to look at. He wondered if he and Gyth could just walk around the building inside and out, see what I should get in place for safety purposes, check out the one security camera I had out front, and see the tape from last week when Embry’s dad came bursting in. “Sure, just let me know if you need anything while you're checking it all out.”

“Will do, babe.”Babe?I liked the sound of that, yet I felt like I was on a different planet. Nobody ever talked to me with cute words and such affection. At least not a man like Braxton. I could certainly get used to this.

Knowing I had stuff I needed to do, Summer asked if there was something specific I wanted her doing, or if she should just wander around and pitch in wherever needed. “Could you check on Embry for me? She’s been really upset since everything that happened last week with her dad. Then just help out anywhere. I appreciate you coming in, you have been a lifesaver. You and Alley are so awesome, always showing up and volunteering.

“You don’t have to thank me every time, you know I think this place of yours is amazing and I love coming here. I will see you in a bit. Bye guys.” She was talking to me but staring straight at Gyth.

After both men responded to her, she turned and headed down the hall. Gyth’s gaze followed her until she veered off into a room and you couldn’t see her anymore.

“Okay, well I’m going to go get some work done, check on the kids, and get the staff that’s shift is ending out of here. You guys come find me if you need me.”

“I will definitely find you,” Braxton said, giving me a sexy smirk. Both guys turned and headed outside. Guess they were walking around out there first. Gyth was doing well, but it still looked like he was hurting a bit. I hoped he would be okay. Ogling Braxton’s butt for a minute, because lord have mercy it was fine, I gave myself that much needed moment and then headed back to work.

It had been about an hour when Braxton came and found me in my office. He was alone, no sign of Gyth. “Hey, where’s your sidekick?”

“Don’t let him hear you say that he would probably disagree and tell you that I was his,” Braxton chuckled. “But he headed out to his truck to get his chair. He has been doing better, but after a while, his leg starts bothering him and as much as he hates to admit it, he still needs the wheelchair sometimes.”

The frown on Braxton’s face told me he was concerned and worried about his friend. “I wondered how he was doing. He seemed okay when you guys came in, but I noticed a little pain in his eyes.”

“He will be okay. That guy is as stubborn as an ox,” Braxton said softly, as he moved closer to me and his hand on my upper arm in comfort. “Hey, so want to take a walk with me and chat about what Gyth and I noticed and maybe a few things we could do to improve some of the security, to make it a little safer for the staff and the kids?”

“We can talk, but I have to tell you upfront that my budget is not all that big right now so we will have to see what all you are thinking needs to be done.”

“Jurnee, you're not paying me for this work,” he scoffed. “I want to do this for you. Think of it as my donation and let me help. This is a non-profit you're running here so you count on outside contributions, right? You do so much for these kids, so let me do this.”

He was right, we did count on the donations people were gracious enough to give us and the volunteers too, so how could I say no if it would protect all these kids and the staff? “You are right, it is non-profit and besides me, we only have a couple of other paid employees, so we do rely on any help we can get. Thank you, Braxton, that’s really nice of you.”

“My pleasure, babe. Let’s walk and talk?”

“Sure, we can do that. Let me just check in on a couple of rooms first and then I’m all yours.”

“I like the sound of that,” he said, leaning over and whispering in my ear. Maybe he just didn’t want anyone to hear if they walked in the room, or maybe he was a big old tease and knew just how much he got to me.

Damn nipples. Could he see the evidence of what he just did to me? The things were hard as a rock and probably poking right out of my shirt.

“You did that on purpose.” He faked innocence with a look like—who me?—and walked out the door. I headed out behind him, once again appreciating his very delectable ass, and told him to follow me so we could check on the kids. What I saw next had me stopping in my tracks.

A bunch of the children were sitting and watching, some were dancing around and others singing along, while Gyth sat in his chair, playing the guitar, and was belting out a song for them.You Are My Sunshineflowed from his lips smoothly, and I could’ve sworn he was looking right at Summer. Fairly sure she was watching him damn close too. It was incredible and the kids were loving it.

“Miss Jurnee, watch me twirl in my dress!” Embry shouted with excitement. The little angel stole a piece of my heart time and time again. Watching her spin around with joy in her pretty outfit made me so happy. Since her dad had been in the center, she always looked scared, worried, and a bit sad. So, seeing her light and carefree, brought happiness to every part of me. The next thing I knew she had stopped, ran up to us and was pulling on the leg of Braxton’s pants. “Renember me, Mister?”

“Sure I do sweetheart. You're Doodlebug, right?” It was amazing he kept a straight face as he said this to her.

“That’s not my name,” Embry said, giggling uncontrollably. “Me, Embry silly.”

Her words didn’t always come out exactly right, she was only four after all, but they were darn cute when she said stuff like renember, not remember. It was endearing to me.

Just like when he first met her, Braxton dropped down close, making them nearly eye-level. “Oh, that’s right. But I like Doodlebug. What do you say, can I call you that?”

Embry’s face lit with joy that he wanted to call her a cute little nickname and immediately agreed that it was okay. Then the most adorable thing happened.

“Want to dance with me?” she asked Braxton, only this time a little more timidly than she had just been talking to him a moment before. It was as if she was afraid he would say no. I imagined that had happened to her many times in the few short years she had blessed this earth, as well as all of us in it.

“I thought you would never ask,” my guy replied, holding out a hand.My guy, I do like the sound of that. She grabbed on like it was a lifeline that she would possibly never let go. I wasn’t sure what had come over her, but my angel was starving for love and affection. With her mom and dad out of the picture and a father that she feared, she needed this. I just hoped someday she could have it permanently. I didn’t know about a man in her life, but I desperately wanted to be the woman she could count on, and possibly one who could give her the home she deserved.
