Page 27 of Entwined Souls

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“Looking good ladies,” Summer commented. Summer turned her attention towards me. “Jurnee, it wasn’t too long ago we were all headed out for a night like tonight and you were seeing Braxton for the first time in forever. Now it’s a whole lot different.” I stilled for a moment at Summer’s words, remembering the first night with mixed feelings. She must have noticed as she spoke again. “Hey, first of all, nothing bad is going to happen, second, you’re not a teenager anymore, and lastly, you may finally get some action.”

She practically rolled on the floor in laughter after that, so I picked up one of our embroidered throw pillows off the couch and chucked it at her. “Shut it, or I’m going to make sure I get you back while we are there, and a certain bad boy is in our mix when I do.”

“You wouldn’t dare!” Summer exclaimed wide-eyed. “There is no reason to do that and nothing is going on with him anyway!”

“Ha, I didn’t even say his name and you already know what sexy man I’m talking about. Someone has a crush,” I chanted. “Sounds a little like what you said to me the last time we went out.”Payback is a mother chicken. I did say I would get her back.

Alley decided to dive into the mix right then. “You two are a bunch of love-struck fools,” she rolled her eyes, exasperated. “Now let’s get going and have some fun. I’m ready for a night out.”

“The question is, are you ready to see Landon?” I asked her.

The expression on her face changed, morphing into a look of pain, and I was instantly sorry I said anything. Landon was Summer’s brother, and both Summer and I knew something major had happened between Alley and Landon, but she’d never told us what. And even though we told each other almost everything, Summer and I hadn’t pushed her to let that particular secret out of the vault, because we could tell how painful it was for her.

Alley's way of coping was to shove stuff under the carpet, it’s how she survived her deeply buried feelings and dealt with life. One day it was all going to boil over like a pot of hot water and would scorch her something fierce. But as her best friends, we respected how she needed to handle things and would be there to help her when she needed it.

“Forget I said that,” I added quickly, trying to veer the conversation in a different direction. “Let’s get a move on and go have some fun.”

At that point, she didn’t look so excited anymore. The mood cooled around us, but I was determined to have a good night and help my girls have one too. So I grabbed Alley’s hand and dragged her toward the door, just as she had pulled a reluctant me through the bar the night I saw Braxton after so many years. That first evening may not have gone as any of us expected, it was frightening, to say the least, but something amazing had come from it too.I am glad Alley had not let me leave.


“Are you in a hurry to see my brother or something?” Alley sassed.

Oh good, it looked like she was back. This was the Alley I liked to see. I hated to see her upset. “You bet I am, so hurry your asses up.”

Door shutting behind us, I couldn’t help the tingle of excitement that zipped through my body. Braxton never failed to have that effect on me.

Awareness hit me the moment she walked in. My back was to the door and I was talking to the guys amid a room full of noise, and yet I still felt her presence immediately. Jurnee was quickly becoming something immensely important that I needed in my life, just as I needed air to breathe.

After turning around, I almost swallowed my tongue. My girl was wearing a skirt, her beautiful legs and exposed skin calling my name.Down boy, don’t get ahead of yourself,I said to my hardening cock. I wanted Jurnee in my bed, so fucking bad, but I also wanted to build something real. Going slow was important because this was so much more than a fling. When I saidmy girl, that meant something. I was in it for the long haul.

As I got my thoughts under control, the girls made their way up to me and the guys. Not waiting a minute longer, I wrapped my arm around Jurnee’s back and pulled her into my side, planting a kiss on top of her head, before making my way to her soft lips. She didn’t fight it and melted into me instantly, giving back as good as I gave.

“Get a room,” my sister scoffed.

I pulled back but kept my girl close. Turning toward Alley, I reached out with my free hand to ruffle her hair, but she dodged me before I got her. “Don’t even try it, Braxton,” she growled.

Her eyes darted toward Landon and the change in them had me thinking back to the first time we got together. She had looked at him with a mix of emotions, much like she was doing now. I needed to figure out what the fuck I was missing.

She quickly diverted her gaze and carried on. “Are you going to introduce us to your other friend or what?”

“Oh yeah, got distracted by this one here,” I said, giving Jurnee a squeeze. She cuddled into me, wrapping her arms around my middle, and hugging me tightly. I didn’t mind that at all, I loved having her right next to me.

“Ladies, this is Kace, Kace this is my little sister Alley, her friend, Summer, and this is my girl, Jurnee.” I pointed to each as I went and hugged my woman even tighter when I got to her.

“Hey, she is my best friend, not just your girl!” Alley exclaimed, causing everyone to laugh.

“Nice to meet you all, and it’s great to finally meet the one who has my badass friend so lovesick.” Kace grinned, always the damn charmer, then leaned in, picked up Jurnee’s hand, and kissed the back of it. When she smiled at him, I’d had it, and smacked him upside the head.

“Hands off my woman, Kace! Find your own girl.” He shrugged the comment off and reached for Summer. A growl erupted beside us and we all turned.

“Well now,” Kace said, “looks like someone else is on the taken list.” For that, he got smacked again, only this time by Gyth. Summer just quietly watched Gyth with a look of bewilderment. Kace didn’t let that slow him down though; that’s just the type of guy he was—the life of the party. The next thing I knew, he grabbed a wide-eyed, Alley and pulled her onto the dance floor. The man didn’t waste any time getting things moving.

Looked to me like Kace may have gotten whopped again if he’d been close enough to reach. Landon didn’t look happy at all.In fact, he looks straight up pissed and almost homicidal.“Something you want to explain to me?” I leaned to the side so as not to make a big production of my question.

Summer quickly jumped in, “Simmer down big brother,” she said, eyes locked on Landon. “It’snotthe time.” What did she know that I didn’t? Landon glared at his sister in return.

“Nope,” was all Landon said. I would leave it alone for now, but the conversation was far from over. I wanted to get my girl on the dance floor. I couldn’t let Kace have all the fun.
